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Streetscape upgrades about to begin

Elizabeth Street render of the new look.

The overhaul of streets surrounding the Thirty Eight Elizabeth development, including Elizabeth Street, Devonport Road, First Ave and the lane between Elizabeth Street and First Avenue is one step closer with the contract being awarded to Hawkins. Works are starting on First Avenue this week, with the installation of a central raised crossing. The streetscape upgrade is planned to be completed in time with the Thirty Eight Elizabeth development.

The upgrade of Elizabeth Street aims to create an attractive and safe, people-friendly environment for everyone to enjoy. This will entail a pedestrian-focused, slow-speed environment for Elizabeth Street and its surrounds. The upgrade also contributes to the ‘green necklace’ of connected walkways around the city centre and reflects the redevelopment of Tauranga’s city centre as a place for people. This project is part of council’s continuing journey to bring life back to the city centre and create a great place to live, work and visit.

Hawkins, who are also leading the construction of the Thirty Eight Elizabeth development, have been confirmed as the construction partner for the council-led streetscape improvement. This will allow for close coordination of the two projects.  

Gareth Wallis, General Manager: Community Services at Tauranga City Council acknowledges the importance of the upgrade for the city centre.

“The city centre plays an important role as the commercial, cultural and civic heart of the sub-region and our community has told us that a vibrant city centre is one of the top things they’d like to see changed,” Mr Wallis said

“Upgrading Elizabeth Street is another step towards this and one of many projects aiming to attract more people to live, work, play and invest in the city centre.

“It will increase business and economic activity and provide a space for everyone to enjoy and to move around safely.

“We will be working closely with Hawkins, our construction partner, and the surrounding businesses to make this project happen and keep people informed as we work our way through the development.”

“We are very pleased to see council’s support of this critical area of town with the upgrade of Elizabeth Street,” says project manager of Thirty Eight Elizabeth Brett Nicholls.

“It will complement the transformational Thirty Eight Elizabeth development, which will be home to the new flagship Farmers retail store, along with boutique food and beverage offerings- all on track to be open for Christmas shopping. The first display townhouse and apartment will be available for public viewing in the last quarter of this year too. Construction of the towers, and fit out of the apartments, will be ongoing until early next year.”

Murray Robertson, Executive General Manager, Hawkins is looking forward to the project come to life.

"We are delighted to be involved and to have the opportunity to make a real difference in improving not only Elizabeth Street for the businesses and their customers but also to add to the city centre experience," Mr Robertson said.

Works on much-needed underground renewals are already underway. Those works have been completed on First Avenue and are due to be completed on Elizabeth Street and Devonport Road by July 2021. Construction of the streetscape upgrade will be completed in stages. Businesses will remain open during construction.

For more information, visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/elizabethstreet.

Posted: May 6, 2021,

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