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Work ramps up to get Tauranga's destination skate park ready for construction

Artists impression of new skatepark
An artist’s impression of the new destination skatepark – standout features include a flow bowl, a surf/skate ditch and competition style stairs, and a street skate area.

Tauranga’s destination skate park for all abilities is a step closer to reality when construction starts next month at the intersection of Maunganui and Hull Roads, in Mount Maunganui.

Enabling work has ramped up to ensure the skate park site is ready for construction. This work includes installing fencing and drainage, connecting water and power supply, and starting earth works.

Minor tree works will start tomorrow and finishes in early April. Council will look to retain and relocate as many as possible and mitigate for any potential losses.

Following the completion of the enabling works, construction on the skate park will start, with completion aimed for March 2024.

For more information about the destination skate park project, visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/skate

Find out what else is happening in Mount Maunganui by visiting www.tauranga.govt.nz/mountprojects

Posted: Mar 13, 2023,

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