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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Tono tuihono i te raihana motuhake

Apply for special licence online

During the period 20 December to 15 January each year, the District Licensing Committee is not available to consider applications or provide decisions. Therefore, it is important that all events at which it is intended to sell alcohol are filed before 16 November, this will include events up until mid-February.
Step 1 of 3

Apply for a Special licence

Please note: Extended periods of inactivity, while completing this application form, may result in your session expiring. If this occurs any un-submitted forms will be lost.

To apply for a Special licence you must provide the following:
  • Customer number. If you do not have a customer number call us on +64 7 577 7000 and our Customer Service team can assist with creating a customer number for you. If you are applying on behalf of a company, incorporated society, trust or partnership you will need to provide your NZBN number. If you are applying for an alcohol licence as an individual please discuss this with our Customer Service team before applying to ensure that we provide you with the correct customer number.
  • A copy of the floor plans of the premises or conveyance that highlights the main entrance and any restricted or supervised areas
  • A copy of the site layout or area, including any marquees (if the event is outside)
  • A copy of promotional material, advertising, tickets or posters
  • Owner’s Letter of Permission if applicant does not own premises (where the premises or land is owned by Tauranga City Council, the Committee will obtain this letter on your behalf)
  • A copy of your alcohol management plan (If you are applying for an event with more than 400 people)

Please have these available in PDF format where possible, as you will be required to upload them with your application.

Note: You will be emailed an invoice for the application fee. Your application will not be considered received until the invoice has been paid.

Further information regarding applying for a special licence can be found here.

* indicates a required field

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