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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Be ready

While many organisations will help in an emergency, we all should be prepared to look after ourselves and our property from the impact of an emergency in case you have to rely solely on your own resources for some time.

The good news is it’s easy to make sure you and the people and things you care about, are ready. Whether at home, at work, at school or out in the community, there are things we can all do to prepare.

Make a Plan

Make a plan with your friends, family/whanau or household to prepare for an emergency. Every household’s plan will be different, because of where we live, who lives with us and who might need our help.

Know your children’s school’s responsibilities. Education facilities are required under the Education Act to have an emergency plan for how they will manage when a disaster happens. It is important you find out about the plan and support your school community to be better prepared.

Small businesses should develop a plan that identifies how they can keep essential functions running during and after an emergency/ time of disruption.

Emergency items

Work out what supplies you may need in an emergency.

Prepare a getaway kit of essential items for if you have to leave home in a hurry and may not be able to return for some time.

Get Connected

New Zealand Red Cross’ Good and Ready programme helps build community resilience by helping people get ready for future disasters. Evidence suggests that households will be more likely to prepare for a disaster if they believe that others in the community are getting involved, and if they see other benefits such as helping the community to be more connected. Connecting with neighbours on your street is a good way to start preparing for a disaster or emergency.

Be good and ready

Get involved in your community. Find out what your community is doing to be prepared – together you can get through.

Join or form a Neighbourhood Support group as you and your neighbours can share skills and resources to help you get through in an emergency. Neighbourhood Support groups bring local people together to create safe, supportive and connected communities, working closely with Police and other community organisations.

Check-in form

You may have been asked to fill out this quarterly feedback/check-in form by the Tauranga City Council Emergency Management team. The responses received go towards understanding Tauranga’s community resilience by contributing to the yearly feedback on the CDEM BOP group plan. Please return this form to Community Resilience Advisor Isaac Orchard at isaac.orchard@tauranga.govt.nz.

Emergency Management (125kb pdf)

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