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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Hapori haumaru ake

Safer communities

Tauranga City is accredited as an International Safe Community, which the World Health Organization recommend as an effective approach for community injury and violence prevention.

The aim of Safer Communities is to make Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty a safe place to live, work and play.

The Safer Communities programme began in 2006 with the formation of a collaborative partnership between Tauranga City Council and key safety stakeholders.

In 2008, Tauranga City received formal designation as an International Safe Community, administered by the Safe Communities Foundation NZ. Western Bay of Plenty District Council joined the programme in 2014, with the programme being known as Tauranga Western Bay Safer Communities (TWBSC).

Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council completed their second joint reaccreditation application to remain an International Safe Community on 18 March 2020. In May 2020, we received confirmation that Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty have met all criteria to be reaccredited as a Safe Community, and the application was successful. To be reaccredited, a community is required to maintain the criteria standards around collaborative governance, priority setting, effective strategies and shared learnings based on the Safe Community model.

Tauranga Western Bay Safer Communities is made up of a diverse group of agencies and organisations all working together to improve community safety.  The programmes strategic governance is provided by the Tauranga Western Bay Safer Communities Strategic Group through a Terms of Reference.

TWBSC strategy focuses on key safety areas relating to injury prevention, crime prevention, violence prevention, community wellbeing and addiction related harm.  Focus areas are set based on both community feedback and statistical evidence.

Priority areas for 2020-2025 are:

Safety Goal 1: Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty is a connected and collaborative community
Safety Goal 2: People are free from addiction related harm.
Safety Goal 3: Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty is free of violence, fear and crime.
Safety Goal 4: People in Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty keep themselves safe and injury free.

Safer Communities Strategy 2020-2025 (4.5mb pdf)

Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan

Council is developing a Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan, which outlines our commitment to building a safer community.

Making our communities safer

Useful websites

New Zealand Police – local news, resources and safety tips
Fire and Emergency New Zealand – promotions and fire prevention programmes and resources
St Johns Ambulance Service – educational services and first aid courses
Coastguard – instructional videos, educational services and boating courses
Surf Lifesaving – educational material
Water Safety – information and resources around water safety
Bay of Plenty District Health Board – medical services, advice and education available in the region
Toi Te Ora Public Health – public health unit for the Bay of Plenty with the key role to plan and deliver services that promote and improve population health, prevent ill health and minimise the risk of disease and injury through population based interventions
Health Promotion Agency – an evidence-based health promotion organisation influencing all sectors that contribute to health and wellbeing
ACC – injury prevention in the home, sports and workplace
Alcohol.co.nz – resources and advice on alcohol-related issues
Youthline – counselling advice for young people
NZ Transport Agency – resources for road safety

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