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Pūtea Kaupapa Owha Māori

Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund

Kaupapa Maori fund banner

The Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund supports recurring events that celebrate Māoritanga (Māori culture) in Tauranga Moana.

The fund is a joint initiative, administered by Tauranga City Council on behalf of TECT, BayTrust and Council.

The fund is committed to supporting recurring events that: 

  • celebrate Tauranga Moana tangata whenua
  • promote and share tikanga Māori
  • raise awareness of events of historical and/or cultural significance to Tauranga Moana.

If you have an event that you think may qualify for funding, we encourage you to send an email to Te Pou Takawaenga at kaupapafund@tauranga.govt.nz to discuss your application.

Your event may be eligible for funding through our Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund, so make sure you check out this fund too.

The events we fund must:

  • be driven by, or partnered with iwi and/or hapū in the Tauranga City Council boundaries
  • be run by a not-for-profit organisation
  • have been operating for at least one year in Tauranga Moana before the application is submitted
  • deliver tangible community and tangata whenua benefits
  • strongly align with our event funding values (our funding decisions are heavily weighted towards these principles)
  • must include a written endorsement in support of and outlining involvement in the event from the current chairperson or senior executive (i.e., chief executive, general manager) of the iwi, hapū or marae.

Additional considerations:

  • you must submit a high-level event budget
  • events that have free or low-cost admission to the public are more likely to receive funding support
  • events that are predominantly commercial in nature are less likely to receive support
  • events and/or organisations that already receive substantial ongoing support from Tauranga City Council, financial or otherwise, are less likely to receive support from the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund.

We don’t fund events that:

Key fund information

The maximum grant is $15,000 +GST, however, the majority of grants are $10,000 +GST per event.

$90,000 +GST for events occurring between 1 September 2023 and 30 June 2024. When the fund allocation is exhausted we will update this webpage.

Applications will be considered throughout the year or until the funds are exhausted. We recommend that applicants apply at least three months before your event as it can take up to six weeks to receive a funding decision. 

Successful applicants may receive a maximum three-year funding commitment from the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund.  At the end of the funding commitment, the organisation may reapply to the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund.

Check out our criteria at the top of this page and our values and priorities. Also make sure that your event isn’t in the list of events we don’t fund.

You don’t need to provide quotes with your application but you will need to provide iwi, hapū or marae support and a budget which you’ll upload within your online application form. You can either use your existing budget or our event budget template.

Budget template to download (14kb xlsx)

Your application must also include a written endorsement in support of and outlining involvement in the event from the current chairperson or senior executive (i.e., chief executive officer, general manager) of the iwi, hapu or marae.

A decision-making panel of representatives from Council, TECT Community Trust and BayTrust.

If your application is successful, we will email you to confirm your grant. Applicants will need to sign their application to formalise our funding support and agree additional deliverables and benefits if required (e.g. operational planning deadlines, logo acknowledgement etc).

If your event is held on public open space, you will also likely be required to work with our event facilitation team for an event approval. Read our resources to assist you with running an event on public open spaces

If your application is unsuccessful you will be advised of the outcome, along with reasoning why this decision was made.

Funding is released in the financial year that the event occurs (our financial year runs from 1 July through to 30 June the following year). 50% of the funding granted will be released prior to the event and 50% after submitting a post-event evaluation report (to the satisfaction of Event Development staff).

If you have already received funding from us for an event, you must submit a post-event evaluation report before another application will be considered. The report will include attendance and audience demographics, audience feedback, key learnings, how the event delivered against the relevant values and priorities, benefits to Tauranga, media coverage and the final profit and loss summary.

Contact Te Pou Takawaenga at kaupapafund@tauranga.govt.nz and we will get back in touch.

Where your event is cancelled and the financial position of your event has been negatively affected by that cancellation, you may submit a written request to us to retain all or part of your event grant. You will need to address the following matters in your request to us.

  1. The reason for the event cancellation (with supporting evidence).
  2. The date the decision was made to cancel the event and who made that decision.
  3. Whether you have event insurance and how this impacts your financial situation.
  4. Whether you have investigated alternative ways for proceeding with the event (e.g. postponement, operational changes, online format etc).
  5. How the event has been financially impacted by the cancellation. Please submit a profit and loss statement and detail what steps have been taken to mitigate costs.
  6. What assistance (if any) other funding partners and sponsors are providing to support the cancellation of your event.
  7. Whether you are seeking to retain all or part of your event grant. Please specify the amount you would like to retain.

Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and all decisions will be at our sole discretion. Please allow a minimum 10 business day turn around for decisions.

For more information, or to submit your request, please email the Te Pou Takawaenga at kaupapafund@tauranga.govt.nz

How to apply

Applications to the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund are now being administered through our new online application service, powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply to the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund

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