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Tahua Āhuarangi

Climate Action Fund

The Climate Action Fund supports community-led initiatives which contribute to our city’s climate goals. 

Climate Action Fund banner

Climate Action Fund purpose 

Climate Action Fund grants are provided to support the delivery of a clearly defined activity, project, or initiative that enables the implementation of climate actions by community groups at a local scale once a planning process has been completed.   

The Climate Action Fund responds to priority actions identified in our Climate Action & Investment Plan and Nature & Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan to support community-led projects that drive low-carbon and adaptation initiatives as well as enhance the environment.

Our climate goals 

  • As a city, we understand our risks and are ready and prepared to adapt to a changing climate. 
  • As a city, we will work towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in line with national net-zero commitments. 

Climate Action & Investment Plan  (4.4mb pdf)

Our nature and biodiversity goal

We aim to prioritise nature so that Tauranga is a city where we celebrate and enhance our natural environment, integrating it into the city for all to enjoy.

Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan (3.7mb pdf)

Key information 

What can get funded? 

To be eligible for funding, projects must demonstrate how they will help our city prepare for a changing climate. Projects must: 

  • Advance climate action: Projects focus on initiatives that advance climate resilience in Tauranga Moana by delivering on one or more of the following areas: 
    • contributing to emissions reductions, 
    • building climate resilience, and/or  
    • enhancing nature and biodiversity. 
  • Unlock untapped potential: Projects are either new initiatives or ones that complement, build upon, or scale existing initiatives. 
  • Be solutions-oriented: Projects address a need or problem by implementing climate solutions.

All applications must additionally demonstrate contribution to one of Tauranga City Council's five community outcomes

Groups interested in community-led climate adaptation planning can apply for funding via the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. 

Who can apply? 

Applications are welcomed from community organisations, schools, kura, not for profit early childhood education providers and organisations delivering kaupapa Māori outcomes. 

How much is available and when can I apply? 

Groups can apply for funding between $2,500 and $50,000 per financial year. The Climate Action Fund currently does not have funding rounds and accepts applications on a rolling basis. 

Ready to apply or view the application materials? 

Apply to the Climate Action Fund

  1. Review the Climate Action & Investment Plan and Nature & Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan to understand Tauranga City Council's climate goals and strategic priority areas. You can contact the Climate and Sustainability team and/or the Environment team to discuss your project ahead of applying.

  2. Complete the application form. You will need to meet the eligibility criteria and can request funding from $2,500 to $50,000. 

  3. Submit your application. Tauranga City Council is accepting rolling applications until 30 June 2025. 

  4. Await review by Climate and Sustainability staff. They will get in touch with you within four weeks following your submission and will let you know if they have any questions regarding your application.  

  5. If your project is approved, get started! The Climate and Sustainability team will share how we’ll ask for progress along the way. 

Applications will be assessed according to the following assessment criteria: 

  • Eligibility: The project has clearly described how the proposal aligns to the eligibility criteria and makes a compelling case for funding. 
  • Analysis: The project clearly defines the project purpose, expected outcomes, how they will be delivered, and why they are important. Best practices have been researched and other projects have been consulted for lessons learned. 
  • Competence: The project team demonstrates the capability, capacity, and experience to deliver the project to an appropriate standard. 
  • Feasibility: The project is well-planned (realistic goals, activities, and timeline), mitigates risks, and has a budget that makes sense. 
  • Impact: The project identifies who will benefit from the project, how it will evaluate success, how results will be shared, and any opportunities to scale. 
  • Stakeholder support: The project team has consulted with relevant stakeholders and gained their support and permission to deliver the project, if required. 
  • Multiple funding sources (not required but may affect the relative merit of the project): The project is co-funded by other funding sources. 

Successful applications are required to submit a progress report and final report for their projects. The timeframe for these will be decided upon with the Climate and Sustainability team once your project is approved for funding. 

No funding will be provided for any of the following activities: 

  • projects that have received other Council funding in the same financial year. 
  • air travel, accommodation, hotel/motel expenses. 
  • workshop/conference fees and costs. 
  • projects that solely benefit an individual or group and not the wider community 
  • retrospective costs incurred or settled before the agreed commencement date of the funding agreement. 
  • activities that promote religious ministry, or political purposes or causes. 
  • medical expenses. 
  • public services that are the responsibility of central government (for example, core education, healthcare, social work, whanau ora services). 
  • projects where relevant consent or permit has not yet been issued (excluding funding for community events). Council may agree to a grant subject to consents or permits being granted. The funding would be released on receipt of the required consents or permits. 
  • purchase of tobacco, alcohol, vape supplies or other psychoactive substances. 
  • internal applicants from council. 
  • Council-controlled organisations (CCOs). 
  • other local authorities, government agencies or public sector entities. 
  • applicants requiring debt servicing assistance or have outstanding debt with council. 
  • applicants that have breached previous support agreements with council, including post-event reporting requirements and where no commitment has been made to rectify this situation. 

Need help with your application?

For help with making an application in the SmartyGrants portal, please contact grants.enquiries@tauranga.govt.nz. You are also welcome to reach out to the Climate and Sustainability team and/or the Environment team to set up a meeting to discuss your proposal.

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