Climate Action Fund purpose
Climate Action Fund grants are provided to support the delivery of a clearly defined activity, project, or initiative that enables the implementation of climate actions by community groups at a local scale once a planning process has been completed.
The Climate Action Fund responds to priority actions identified in our Climate Action & Investment Plan and Nature & Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan to support community-led projects that drive low-carbon and adaptation initiatives as well as enhance the environment.
Our climate goals
- As a city, we understand our risks and are ready and prepared to adapt to a changing climate.
- As a city, we will work towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in line with national net-zero commitments.
Climate Action & Investment Plan (4.4mb pdf)
Our nature and biodiversity goal
We aim to prioritise nature so that Tauranga is a city where we celebrate and enhance our natural environment, integrating it into the city for all to enjoy.
Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan (3.7mb pdf)
Key information
What can get funded?
To be eligible for funding, projects must demonstrate how they will help our city prepare for a changing climate. Projects must:
- Advance climate action: Projects focus on initiatives that advance climate resilience in Tauranga Moana by delivering on one or more of the following areas:
- contributing to emissions reductions,
- building climate resilience, and/or
- enhancing nature and biodiversity.
- Unlock untapped potential: Projects are either new initiatives or ones that complement, build upon, or scale existing initiatives.
- Be solutions-oriented: Projects address a need or problem by implementing climate solutions.
All applications must additionally demonstrate contribution to one of Tauranga City Council's five community outcomes.
Groups interested in community-led climate adaptation planning can apply for funding via the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
Who can apply?
Applications are welcomed from community organisations, schools, kura, not for profit early childhood education providers and organisations delivering kaupapa Māori outcomes.
How much is available and when can I apply?
Groups can apply for funding between $2,500 and $50,000 per financial year. The Climate Action Fund currently does not have funding rounds and accepts applications on a rolling basis.
Ready to apply or view the application materials?
Apply to the Climate Action Fund