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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

Do it online


Mō tō kaunihera

About your council

Tauranga City Council is made up of two separate parts that work together for the benefit of Tauranga's residents and ratepayers.

We have one mayor and ten councillors. They make decisions on behalf of our residents, to meet the needs of the entire Tauranga community.

The organisation is made up the staff who are responsible for providing the services,facilities and projects to our community and delivering on the decisions made by the elected members.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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