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Mahere ā-tau 2014-2015

Annual Plan 2014-2015

The Annual Plan was adopted by the Tauranga City Council on Tuesday 24 June 2014.

Full 2014/15 Annual Plan (4.3mb pdf)

2014 - 2015 Annual Plan Documentation

Welcome and Introduction (72kb pdf)
Introduction to the document and includes a message from the mayor and councillors.

Our City (168kb pdf)
Information on Tauranga City including facts and general information about Tauranga.

Our Council (624kb pdf)
Information on Tauranga City Council including your mayor and councillors, organisational structure, committee structures, financial summary and some general useful information.

Major Focus (531kb pdf)
Information on all the known big issues that Tauranga City Council is facing and Council's approach to dealing with them.  This section also includes a proposed amendment to the Long-term Plan.

Guide to the Plan (185kb pdf)
Information on what is in the Annual Plan, what you can expect, and how to read certain sections.

Decision-Making Framework (214kb pdf)
Details the decision-making framework applied by Council, including the community outcomes.

Groups of Activities (504kb pdf)
Includes all of Council's Activities and for each Activity outlines performance measures and financial and asset management information. (An index to specific Activities can be found at the beginning of the Groups of Activities section).

Financials (1.4mb pdf)
Council's Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cashflows and Funding Impact Statement. It also includes Council's accounting policies and Funding Impact Statements for each activity. 

User Fees and Charges (276kb pdf)
Includes Council's  fees and charges for all activities.

Proposed Amendments to the 2012 -2022 Long Term Plan (391kb pdf)
Includes Proposed Amendments to the 2012 -2022 Long Term Plan Council is consulting on through this Annual Plan process

Glossary (170kb pdf)
A glossary of terms relating to the Annual Plan document. 

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