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Mahere ā-tau 2023-2024

Annual Plan 2023-2024

Welcome to Tauranga City Council’s Annual Plan 2023/24

This plan represents the third year of our Long-term Plan 2021-2031 (LTP).

It sets the budget and work plan for the year from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 and identifies what has changed from the LTP. It sets Council’s direction for the year and provides accountability to the community.

Full Annual Plan 2023/24 (2mb pdf)

Council also adopted the User Fees and Charges 2023/24 and the Development Contributions policy for 2023/24. These are available below.

Introduction and changes from Year 3 of the Long-term Plan

Below is an introduction to the Annual Plan 2023/24 and an explanation of how it fits with the LTP and reporting processes.
It provides an overview of the key changes in our financial environment along with changes we made to the LTP in the development of the budget for 2023/24. It also includes an overview of the impact of these changes on the rates and debt levels budgeted through the LTP (see the Key financial indicators section).

Introduction and changes from year 3 of the LTP (2.8mb pdf)

What this means for rates

Council approved the rates resolution for the 2023/24 year at a meeting on 19 June 2023. Below is a record of the rates resolution approved by Council. A link to the meeting agenda, minutes and video stream can be found at the bottom of this page.

Rates resolution 2023/24 (141kb pdf)

Below is an overview of how our rating system works and how your rates are calculated, along with some examples of what your rates may look like in the 2023/24 year.

What does this mean for rates (1.2mb pdf)

Detailed financial information

The Annual Plan updates the work plans and budgets set through the LTP. This chapter provides a breakdown of some of our financial information in more detail and provides further information on how the budgets have changed.

Other documents adopted in parallel with the Annual Plan

Fees and charges 2023/24

Development Contributions policy 2023/24

Supporting information

Long-term Plan Amendment 2021-2031

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