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Nama whanaketanga

Development contributions

Development contributions play a large part in paying for the growth of our city by helping to fund the infrastructure required in new urban growth areas and across the existing parts of the city.

Development contributions are fees payable to council when you develop. For example, a development contribution may be payable if you:

  • subdivide a property
  • build, alter or expand a residential or non-residential building
  • change the use of an existing building
  • relocate a building to a new site
  • connect to council’s water and/or wastewater networks.

Tauranga City Council charges two types of development contributions (DCs): local DCs and citywide DCs. Most developments will pay both fees, but they will often be charged at different stages of the development.

Local development contributions fund the infrastructure that services the area/catchment in which the development is taking place. For example, the smaller water pipes in your local suburb or the local neighbourhood playgrounds. As a result, the fees vary depending on the location of the development. Local DCs are higher in the newer growth areas as much more infrastructure needs to be built before development can happen. This fee is usually payable on a resource consent for subdivision or land use – but may also be charged on a building consent and service connection if it has not been charged prior.

Citywide development contributions pay for the large infrastructure networks that service the entire city, like wastewater treatment plants and large trunk mains. Citywide fees vary depending on the type of development but not with the location. The fee is usually payable on building consents or service connections – but may also be charged on a resource consent for land use.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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