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Mahere karioi 2015-25

Long-term Plan 2015-25

Welcome to Tauranga City Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-2025. This Plan encapsulates Council’s decisions to “Manage Tauranga’s growth into the future” – at least over the next 10 years.

Long Term Plan Amendment – Creating Tauranga’s Civic Heart

Council formally adopted audited amendments to the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 on Thursday 29th September 2016. 

Council’s Civic Buildings have been affected by significant weathertight issues and moderate earthquake risk. Weathertight issues resulted in relocation of staff from most of the main council buildings in 2015. A Civic Space Options project was undertaken resulting in a Long Term Plan Amendment to provide for a new civic administration building with surrounding open space.

The 2015-2025 Long Term Plan was updated in September 2016 to recognise the additional capital expenditure and operational costs and revenue impacts of the Civic Space proposal.

Long Term Plan 2015-2025

At its meeting on 29 June 2015, Tauranga City Council adopted the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and the Development Contributions Policy 2015/16.

Welcome to the Long Term Plan 2015-2025

An introduction and welcome to the Long Term Plan 2015-2025.

Welcome (152kb pdf)

Our city

Some facts and figures on Tauranga, our population, our businesses and employment, followed by background on the growth of the city, what has been previously achieved to manage this growth and how this influences the decisions Council needed to make through this LTP.

Our city (447kb pdf)

Major focus and key decisions summary

An overview of the key decisions Council made in the development of this Long Term Plan, and especially following public consultation. Decisions are organised around our main goals for the City through this Long Term Plan:

  • maintain our existing infrastructure so it is fit for purpose now and in the future;
  • deliver efficient services to our communities;
  • provide for our growing city, notably through an efficient infrastructure strategy; and
  • invest in Tauranga’s future, to bolster our city’s economic vibrancy; while
  • managing rates and debt levels.

Major focus (407kb pdf)

Decision-making framework

Outlines Council’s community outcomes and strategic framework, helping to guide decisions that Council makes for the city both now and into the future.

Decision-making framework (136kb pdf)

Significant assumptions

Details the assumptions the Council has made that underpin the projected financial and non-financial plans in this document.

Significant assumptions (151kb pdf)

Planning and working together

Outlines the Council's commitment to our communities, specific stakeholders, and the environment, as well as information on all Council Controlled Organisations.

Planning and working together (132kb pdf)

Group of activities

Provides information on each activity that Council undertakes and for each activity outlines the key objectives and drivers, contribution to community outcomes, key projects for the 10-year period and financial and asset management information.

Groups of activities (751kb pdf)

Performance measures

Details the measures that enable us to monitor and report against our outcomes and service performance. In this LTP all performance measures are grouped under each of Council’s community outcomes.

Performance measures (482kb pdf)

Infrastructure Strategy

This Infrastructure Strategy shows how TCC plans to manage its assets prudently and sustainably through future periods of growth and other pressures. A 30-year strategy provides long-term thinking to significant decisions around investment in infrastructure.

Infrastructure Strategy (614kb pdf)


The Council’s Financial Strategy, and all financial statements underpinning this Long Term Plan.

Financials (2.3mb pdf)


Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy and Rates Remission Policy reviewed as part of the Long Term Plan, as well as a summary of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Policies (1.5mb pdf)

User fees and charges

The reviewed user fees and charges schedule for the 2015/16 year.

2015/16 user fees and charges (216kb pdf)

Audit opinion

As required by the Local Government Act 2002, the Long Term Plan has been audited by the Office of the Auditor General. 

Audit opinion (60kb pdf)

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