The Commission adopted both the long-term plan amendment, the annual plan and Development Contributions Policy on Monday 27 June 2022.
The adoption of the 2021-31 Long-term plan amendment and 2022/23 Annual Plan
Thanks for your feedback. You spoke, we listened. Your feedback has helped the Commission make some of the most exciting and significant decisions our city has seen including:
- Bringing to life the full vision for the civic precinct – Te Manawataki O Te Papa – Overall, we heard you agree it’s time to get the heart of our city pumping
- Pursuing an innovative funding approach to pay for infrastructure to support our growth – We heard you think we should consider becoming one of the first NZ councils to utilise the Government’s Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act (IFF) to address inadequate housing supply and traffic congestion
- Making rates fairer for everyone – we heard you agree it’s time to even out the playing field for our commercial and residential ratepayers
- Investment in a range of community facilities and initiatives across the city including creating a waterfront we can all brag about - we listened to your ideas and we’re going to make them happen
Read the news stories here:
Welcome to Tauranga City Council’s Long-term Plan Amendment 2021-2031
Putting the community at the heart of everything we do
Council adopted the Long-term Plan Amendment 2021-2031, the Annual Plan 2022/23, Development Contributions Policy 2022/23 and the User Fees and Charges 2022/23 on Monday, 27 June.
Full 2021-2031 Long-term Plan document (12mb pdf)
Introduction and summary of key decisions
The link below will take you to an outline of the Long-term Plan, including our community outcomes; a summary of the key challenges for Tauranga; and the Long-term Plan decisions – and what they mean for the next 10 years.
Introduction and summary of key decisions (380kb pdf)
Groups of Activities
This section provides information on each activity the Council undertakes and outlines its key objectives and drivers, contribution to community outcomes, key projects for the 10-year period and financial and asset management information.
Groups of activities (618mb pdf)
Infrastructure Strategy
The Infrastructure Strategy shows how Council plans to manage its assets prudently and sustainably through periods of growth and other pressures. A 30-year strategy provides long-term thinking to guide significant decisions around infrastructure investment.
Infrastructure strategy (3.5mb pdf)
Financial Strategy
This Financial Strategy outlines how we propose to fund and finance the capital investments and services the city needs over the next 10 years.
Financial strategy (2.2mb pdf)
Financial Statements
Select the link below to access the financial statements that underpin this Long-term Plan, plus the Council’s statement of accounting policies and financial prudence benchmarks.
Financials (2mb pdf)
This link will take you to Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy (including the funding needs analysis)’ reviewed as part of the Long-term Plan, as well the Rates Postponement Policy, Remission and Postponement of Rates on Maori Freehold Land Policy, Rates Remission Policy and Significance and Engagement Policy.
Policies (473mb pdf)
Significant forecasting assumptions
Our forecasting assumptions underpin the Long-term Plan. They identify important trends and projections and also assess the risks and potential impacts for the Council and community.
Significant assumptions (494kb pdf)
Audit opinion on Amendment
As required by the Local Government Act 2002, the Long-term Plan has been audited by the Office of the Auditor General (see the following link).
Audit opinion (2.6mb pdf)