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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Whakautu mahere karioi 2021-31

Long-term Plan 2021-2031 consultation responses

These submissions have been received as part of the Council’s consultation process which ran from 7 May to 7 June 2021.

Members of the community are given the opportunity to have their say on the issues to be considered by the Council. The views expressed in the submissions are the views of the various submitters and do not in any way represent the views of the Tauranga City Council. All submissions received are considered by the Council as part of the deliberation process.

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 001-236 (8.2mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 237-545 (20.2mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 546-916 (4.7mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 917-1246 (37.4mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1247-1374 (53.4mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1375-1552 (89mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1553-1648 (42.1mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1650-1783 (58mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1784-1813 (64.5mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions 1815-1819 (8.7mb pdf)

LTP 2021-2031 submissions additional information (76.6mb pdf)

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