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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Rautaki me ngā mahere

Strategies and plans

In this section you will find Tauranga City Council’s strategies along with the plans that show how we will deliver them.

These strategies and plans form the content of the council’s strategic framework, which provides a clear line of sight between what we do and what we are aiming to achieve for our city and our communities, now and in the future.

The primary strategies are the ‘where we want to go’ of our strategic direction, providing Council’s goals and objectives for each community outcome. These can be joint strategies or TCC-owned strategies.  They have a longer-term view, normally 10 – 30 years.

The action and investment plans (AIPs) are the ‘how we will get there’ for our strategies. These can also be joint documents or TCC-owned plans, and may have a different title such as ‘strategy’ or ‘strategic plan’, but belong in the AIP level of our framework.  AIPs have a shorter-term view, normally 3 – 10 years, and identify the best-fit set of actions to deliver on relevant goals within our primary strategies. They will not be able to be funded all at once, but identify the best roadmap to deliver on our strategic direction.

The contributing documents are all the documents that we already have to guide us when developing and implementing our strategic direction. Each AIP will reference and include links to the contributing documents relevant to the area the AIP covers.  Contributing documents include frameworks, masterplans, guidelines, and management plans (including Hapū resource management plans and asset management plans).

Find out more information on Our Direction

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