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Mahere mahi āhuarangi me haumitanga

Climate Action & Investment Plan

Tauranga faces significant pressures from the wide-ranging effects of our changing climate. This includes pressures on our native flora and fauna, threats to our marine life and rising sea levels threatening coastal communities and infrastructure.

Climate Change

Tauranga Climate AIP

This Climate Action and Investment Plan (Climate AIP) outlines the actions that TCC will take towards the city-wide goal in Tauranga Taurikura (TCC’s Environment Strategy)  for a ‘low emissions and climate resilient city’ by focussing on two main climate adaptation and climate mitigation goals.

Tauranga Climate Action and Investment Plan AIP (1.5mb pdf)

Update – 2 October 2023

This AIP was adopted at the Council meeting on 21 August 2023 pending final amends, which have now been incorporated.  The final adopted AIP is available at the link above.

Thank you to everyone who has provide time and feedback on preparing this plan.

Please note: that our action and investment plans are roadmaps for how we can achieve Our Direction, but we cannot fund all of them all at once. Most of the “priority actions” within each plan have are currently included in our working draft Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (as at July 2023), and this is clearly shown in the action tables within each plan. When the Long-term Plan is finalised next year, we will go back and update the actions in these plans to reflect final Long-term Plan funding decisions.

To reduce the drivers of climate change and its effects on our people and city, TCC has developed Tauranga’s first Climate Action and Investment Plan (Climate AIP ). This is a proactive response plan to the identified drivers and projected impacts of climate change in the area and is in response to the recently released national Emission Reduction Plan (ERP) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

TCC consider that a climate roadmap in the form of this Climate AIP is crucial to unlocking aspirations around emissions reduction and resilience. The Climate AIP builds on the considerable amount of data and information that has been collated by TCC over the past couple of years and clearly sets out the steps TCC and our community need to take to achieve our goals.

Our Direction

Our Direction

Our Direction presents the framework for Tauranga City Council’s strategic direction.

More information on Our Direction

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