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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Mahere Haupū me Mahi Hapori Haumaru

Safer Communities Action & Investment Plan

If communities are safe, people feel secure to explore their neighbourhood and the wider city.

Safer communities

Adopted Safer Communities AIP

This Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan helps to deliver on our city vision and the Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy.

Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan 2023-33 (900kb pdf)

This AIP has now been adopted at the Council meeting on 21 August 2023. 

Thank you to everyone who has provide time and feedback on preparing this plan.

Please note that our action and investment plans are roadmaps for how we can achieve Our Direction, but we cannot fund all of them all at once. Most of the “priority actions” within each plan have are currently included in our working draft Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (as at July 2023), and this is clearly shown in the action tables within each plan. When the Long-term Plan is finalised next year, we will go back and update the actions in these plans to reflect final Long-term Plan funding decisions.

For reference here is the earlier draft AIP that went out for feedback.

Safer Communities AIP - working draft v2  - 24 April 2023 (572 kb pdf) 

About safer communities

Safety is a core component to building an inclusive city, and an essential part to building a city people want to be in.

In the past two years, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic we have experienced uncertainty on a global scale, while locally, flooding and other natural hazards present more regular challenges to our sense of safety. We also have places that can be unsafe for people who do not understand the dangers they present, for example our beaches and ocean.

Neighbourhoods are safe places when they are designed well, there are good relationships within the community, and between locals and public safety organisations such as NZ Police, community patrols, Māori Wardens and the Bay of Plenty District Health Board.

Together, we’re committed to working closely with our communities and key partners to ensure safety is put at the heart of our communities.

Our Direction

Our Direction

Our Direction presents the framework for Tauranga City Council’s strategic direction.

More information on Our Direction

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