The Marine Facilities Strategy that Council engaged with the community on in 2021 has been progressed into a framework with various actions. We are in the process of planning the work required around these actions.
Marine facilities are our boat ramps, wharves, jetties and pontoons. They provide access to Te Awanui primarily for recreation and commercial purposes.
Council has included funding in the recent Long Term Plan for the development of new Marine Facilities. The Marine Facilities Framework will help guide when these facilities are required and what else may be needed to provide opportunities for you to access the harbour.
One of the priority actions from the Framework is the development of a Sulphur Point Master Plan. Sulphur Point and Marine Park are strategically important for many people in our city and is the one of the only places for deep water access. The Master Plan will help to identify future land use, facilities and activities to respond to concerns raised by recreation and commercial users, and identify actions and investments required.
The feedback we received has been used to inform our planning and to understand the issues and opportunities that the framework needs to address. Ongoing discussions with mana whenua and key industry stakeholders will also feed into the actions from the framework.
View summary of responses (1.4mb pdf)
To share your thoughts and keep up to date on this project, please contact: or call 07 577 7000. The below map shows the current Marine facilities that Council provides. These facilities were included in the scope of the Marine Facilities framework.
Find more information about our marine facilities.
Marine and boating