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Mahere whakahaere whenua rāhui

Reserve management plans

Reserve management plans set out how council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation, as the case may require, and, to the extent resources permit, the development of reserve.

Reserve management plans contain statements that guide how council will manage its reserves. For example, they help establish how we will balance the protection of natural resources with recreational opportunities for the community. Reserve management plans are subject to continuous review to adapt to changing circumstances.

The Tauranga Reserves Management Plan was adopted in early 2019. This plan supersedes 14 earlier reserve management plans. If you’d like to access any of the earlier reserve management plans, contact the Strategic Policy and Planning team on 07 577 7000 or info@tauranga.govt.nz.

Tauranga Reserve Management Plan

For easy navigation of the plan, we recommend that you turn on the Bookmarks toolbar of your PDF reader.

Contents and version control (6mb pdf)

Part A – Introduction (2mb pdf)

  • Mission statement
  • Objectives
  • Decision making framework
  • Description of how the reserves have been categorised and the key outcomes sought

Part B – General Management Statements (3mb pdf)

  • Management statements that apply across the reserves network, explaining how council will deal with over 50 specific topics ranging from park furniture, buildings and car parking to drones, organised sport and events as well as protecting heritage sites and significant vegetation

Part C – Reserve Specific Information (17mb pdf)

  • Specific information on each of the reserves 
  • Management statements that apply to specific reserves 
  • Map illustrating all of the parks and reserves subject to this plan 

Index Map (19mb pdf)

  • Map illustrating all of the parks and reserves subject to this plan

Part D – Appendices (12mb pdf)

  • Appendix 1: Existing reserve management plans to be superseded
  • Appendix 2: Legislation, Strategies, Policies and Bylaws
  • Appendix 3: Club/Organisation Project Assessment Criteria – Guidelines for Clubs/Organisations
  • Appendix 4: McLaren Falls Park – Detailed History
  • Appendix 5: Concept plans from the Harbour Reserves Management Plan 2008

Other reserve management plans

Mauao Historic Reserve Management Plan (3mb pdf) TECT All-Terrain Park Huharua Park

Want to discuss further?

Contact the Strategic Policy and Planning team on 07 577 7000 or info@tauranga.govt.nz.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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