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Pukapuka matua panonitanga mahere 33
Council made their decisions on the recommendations from the Independent Hearing Panel on Plan Change 33 on Monday 20 May 2024, accepting all the panel’s recommendations except for two, around heights and zoning in Mount Maunganui North and in Area F in the City Centre Zone.
Council resolution for decisions on IHP recommendations on Plan Change 33 (2.3mb pdf)
The rejected panel recommendations, alternative recommendations and reasons in the document above were referred to the Ministers for the Environment and RMA Reform for a decision.
Letter to Ministers Simmonds and Bishop – Referring rejected IHP recommendations on Plan Change 33 (2.4mb pdf)
In accordance with clause 20(1) of Schedule 1 of the RMA, Plan Change 33 became operative in part on 26 June 2024 and the Tauranga City Plan was updated to include all the accepted Independent Hearing Panel recommendations.
Public notice - 19 June 2024
Council received the decision from the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform on Thursday 27 June 2024, who accepted Council’s alternative recommendation on increased heights in Mount Maunganui North, and rejected Council’s alternative recommendation on limited heights in Area F.
Response from Hon Chris Bishop – Tauranga City Council IPI (740kb pdf)
Plan Change 33 – Enabling Housing Supply became ‘operative in full’ on 17 July 2024, pursuant to clauses 105 and 20 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Tauranga City Plan was updated to incorporate the operative provisions of Plan Change 33.
Public notice - 9 July 2024
As part of Plan Change 33 – Enabling Housing Supply, Council introduced objectives, policies and urban design assessment criteria into the Tauranga City Plan, and developed the Residential Outcomes Framework, an urban design guide to meeting the new criteria.
Urban design assessment criteria and guide (2.7mb pdf)
We received the recommendations from the Independent Hearings Panel on Plan Change 33 on 24 April 2024
Independent Hearing Panel Recommendations Report on Plan Change 33 (main report and appendices 1-4) (2mb pdf)
The hearings for proposed Plan Change 33 have now been closed effective as of 12pm Monday 18 December.
The hearing for proposed Plan Change 33 was split into two sessions as set out in Direction #3. Session 1 was held on 4-5 July 2023 and Session 2 was held on 2-10 October 2023. The livestream of the sessions can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Livestream of the sessions
The hearing procedures and directions from the Chair of the Independent Hearings Panel is available below.
Hearing Procedures and Directions Plan Change 33 (299kb pdf)
The documents in this section are directions given by the Independent Hearings Panel. The Independent Hearings Panel hear and consider all submissions and evidence on proposed Plan Change 33 and make recommendations to Council.
The documents in this section relate to expert conferencing on specific matters that the Independent Hearings Panel have directed to be held to resolve issues. The Joint Witness Statements are the agreed outcomes of the conferencing.
The documents in this section are the s.42A hearing report, evidence, and legal submissions for Session 1 on strategic matters and an overview of the key themes raised by submitters.
The documents in this section is the s.42A hearing report for Session 2 on substantive matters. Due to the size of the report, it is split into volumes.
To assist in understanding how to read the s42A hearing report, we have prepared a guidance document (408kb pdf)
The documents in this section are the Appendices to the s.42A hearing report for Session 2 on substantive matters. Due to size of the documents, some appendices have been split into parts.
The documents in this section are the Council’s expert evidence and legal submissions for Session 2. These should be read in conjunction with the relevant submissions and the s.42A hearing report.
Legal submission on behalf of Tauranga City Council (786kb pdf)
The documents in this section are submitters expert and non-expert evidence, letters to be tabled, and legal submissions for Session 2. These should be read in conjunction with the relevant submissions and the s.42A hearings report.
We received submissions on proposed Plan Change 33.
To assist in reading submissions, we have created a summary which sets out the decisions requested in the submissions we received and is arranged by themes. Further submissions are referenced against the original submission point (the original submission point appears in parentheses) and highlighted in green. Each further submission starts with ‘FS’. For further reasoning and context please refer to the original submissions.
Summary of decisions requested (528kb pdf)
Update 15 December 2022: Tauranga City Council has withdrawn points 314.14 and 314.15 from its own submission, which related to enabling additional building height in the Mount North area. The other submissions received on this topic remain.
Letter – Plan Change 33 – Withdrawal of Tauranga City Council submission points – 12 December 2022 (42kb pdf)
List of submitters and submitter number by alphabetical order (268kb pdf)
Public Notice - further submission - 26 November 2022 Public Notice - public notification - 20 August 2022 Factsheet – Enabling Housing Supply (2.7mb pdf)
Plan changes are complex and we would be happy to help you understand the information on this page and answer your questions about proposed Plan Change 33. To get in touch with the City Planning team, email us at or call 07 577 7000.
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