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Utu ratonga kīrehe

Animal service fees

The dog registration year is from 1st July to 30th June each year however, the “Early Bird” registration fee applies if you register your dog before 1 August each year. The fees are GST inclusive

Please note: Any dog over the age of three months and not registered or re-registered by 30 June of each year is an unregistered dog (even though the discount period continues to 31 July your dog’s registration expires on the 30 June of each year).

Dog registration fees Early Bird fee
(if paid before 1 August)
Penalty fee
Normal $125.00 $187.50
Dangerous dogs (classified) $187.50 $281.30
Microchip fee $32.00 $32.00

Pro-rata fees apply for dogs that turn three months old on or after 1 July, dogs that are imported into New Zealand or dogs adopted from the SPCA.

Pro-rata fees 2024/25 (77kb pdf)

Exemptions - the following dogs can be registered for no fee

To register a dog under any of the following categories for the first time with Tauranga City Council you will need to contact us on +64 7 577 7000 or email info@tauranga.govt.nz

Certified “Disability Assist Dogs” being dogs certified by one of the following organisations:

  • Assistance Dogs New Zealand
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand
  • K9 Medical Detection New Zealand
  • Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust
  • New Zealand Epilepsy Assist Dogs Trust
  • Perfect Partners Assistance Dogs Trust
  • Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind Incorporated

Dogs owned by:
Aviation Security Services
Department of Conservation
Department of Corrections
Ministry of Agriculture and forestry
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Fisheries
New Zealand Custom Service
New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Police
Director of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (whilst those dogs are on active duty)

As of 1 July 2024

Impounding Non Registered Registered
First impounding $104.00 $70.00
Second impounding $149.00 $149.00
Third impounding $214.00 $214.00
Fourth and subsequent impounding $298.00 $298.00
Sustenance fee (per day or part of) $13.00 $13.00
Dogs released after hours $56.00 $56.00

As of 1 July 2024

Infringement offences (as set by legislation) 2024/25
Wilful obstruction of a Dog Control Officer $750.00
Failure or refusal to supply information or wilfully providing false particulars $750.00
Failure to supply information or wilfully providing false particulars about a dog $750.00
Failure to comply with any Dog Control Bylaw $300.00
Failure to comply with effects of disqualification $750.00
Failure to comply with requirements of dangerous dog classification $300.00
Fraudulent sale or transfer of a dangerous dog $500.00
Failure to comply with requirements of menacing classification $300.00
Failure to implant a microchip transponder in dog $300.00
False statement relating to dog registration $750.00
Failure to register dog $300.00
Failure to comply with obligations of probationary owner $750.00
Fraudulent sale or transfer of a dangerous dog  
Failure to advise person of muzzle and leashing requirements $100.00
Failure to implant a microchip transponder in dog $300.00
Falsely notifying death of dog $750.00
Failure to register dog $300.00
Fraudulent procurement or attempt to procure replacement dog registration label or disc $500.00
Failure to advise change of dog ownership $100.00
Failure to advise change of address $100.00
Removal, swapping or counterfeiting of registration label/disc $500.00
Failure to keep dog controlled or confined on private land $200.00
Failure to keep dog under control $200.00
Failure to provide proper care and attention, to supply proper or sufficient food, water, shelter, or adequate exercise $300.00
Failure to carry leash in public $100.00
Failure to undertake dog owner education programme or dog obedience course (or both) $300.00
Failure to comply with obligations of probationary owner $750.00
Failure to comply with barking dog abatement notice $200.00
Failure to advise of muzzle and leashing requirements $100.00
Falsely notifying death of dog $750.00
Allowing dog know to be dangerous to be at large unmuzzled or unleash $300.00
Releasing dog from custody $750.00

As of 1 July 2024

Other Dog Fees 2024/25
Surrender fee $106.00
Seizure fee $112.00
Replacement Registration Tag $11.00


Adoption Fees 2024/25
Male dogs $371.00
Female dogs $424.00


Stock Control Fees - for every: Horse, Cattle, deer, ass and mule 2024/25
Impounding $159.00
Conveying Actual cost
Sustenance (per day or part thereof) Actual cost


Sheep, Goat and Pig 2024/25
Impounding $65.00
Conveying Actual cost
Sustenance (per day or part thereof) Actual cost


Service of Notices 2024/25
Impounding $17.00
Insertion of Notice in Newspaper (plus actual cost of insertion $17.00
Call out fee $152.00
Mileage (kms) $0.88

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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