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Building service fees

Fees for building services can be paid in person at our customer service centre, or online through internet banking, debit cards or credit cards. You’ll need your invoice number and customer number as shown on your invoice. The fees below are as at 1 July 2024.

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General notes on fees

Fees for building services can be paid in person at our customer service centre, or online through internet banking, debit cards or credit cards. You’ll need your invoice number and customer number as shown on your invoice.

Any functions or services that are provided but are not specifically detailed in this schedule will be charged at the relevant officer charge out rate. All charges by Council must be paid as soon as practicable Applications that are not accepted at the time that they are submitted will incur administration costs.

Where this document refers to Residential 1, 2, 3 or Commercial 1, 2, 3 this is the complexity of work according to the National BCA Competency Assessment System Levels. A deposit may be charged for applications where it is considered necessary.

Standard Building Consent Fees 2024/25
Staff hourly rates (including gst) per hour
Administration $131.25
Code compliance assessors $183.75
Building Control Officer (Residential 1 and 2 projects) $229.95
Building Control Officer (Residential 3 and Commercial projects) $229.95
Specialist - Development Engineers  $243.60
Senior Specialist - Structural Engineer and Technical Lead $299.25
Team Leader/Manager/Project Manager/ Lead Technical Specialist $313.95
External Specialists fees are charged out if they exceed the staff hourly rates at actual costs plus TCC admin time. Actual costs plus TCC admin time
Online System Fee - charged on all new Building Consent, Certificate of Acceptance and Exemption application 2024/25
Project value up to $124,999 $90.30
Project value $125,000 to $499,999 $271.95
Project value $500,000 to $999,999 $452.55
Project value over $999,999 $945.00
Administration charges - charged on Building Consent applications where required 2024/25
Administering a new Section 72, Section 75, Section 124 notice. (Note: Solicitor time and LINZ registration cost will be charged directly to the applicant by Council's solicitors at the time) $247.80
Building Act Section 37 (planning) administration fee $250.95
Exemption Fee (application for exemption from the building consent requirements). For project value up to $19,999 - fixed rate, plus hourly charge fees as applicable. $250.95
Exemption Fee (application for exemption from the building consent requirements). For project value $20,000 to $499,999 - fixed rate, plus hourly charge fees as applicable. $597.45
Exemption Fee (application for exemption from the building consent requirements). For project value $500,000 and over - fixed rate, plus hourly charge fees as applicable. $1,176.00
Report Filing Fee* - for receiving third party specialist building reports or other information to place on the property file at owner’s request.  $267.75
Waiver or modification of the building code $154.35
Notice to fix - residential $229.95
Notice to fix - commercial $243.60
Notice to fix extension of time $229.95
Obtaining a certificate of title change $39.90
Fire Emergency NZ (FENZ) Review when charged to TCC Actual cos
Building Consent Levies 2024/25
Building consent lodgement checking fee (per hour) $131.25

Building Consent Authority Accreditation and Assessment Levy. Charged for meeting the standards and criteria under the Building Accreditation Regulations 2006.

$1.25 per $1,000 (or part there-after)
of building works $20,000  
or more
Building research levy ($1 per $1,000 (or part there-after of building works $20,000 or more). The BA04 requires the Council to collect a levy to be paid to the Building Research Association of NZ. $1.00 per $1,000 (or part there-after)
of building works $20,000  
or more
Building levy ($1.75 per $1,000 or part there-after of building works $65,000 or more). The BA04 requires Council to collect a levy to be paid to MBIE. 1.75 per $1,000 (or part there-after of building works $65,000 or more)
Site inspections 2024/25
Residential per hour $229.95
Commercial per hour $243.60
Residential Building Inspections same day cancellation (fixed fee) - applicable where inspection is cancelled within 24 hours of booked inspection $228.95
Commercial Building Inspections same day cancellation (fixed fee) - applicable where inspection is cancelled within 24 hours of booked inspection $243.60
Code Compliance Certificate - fixed fee plus hourly charge as applicable 2024/25
Project value up to $19,999 $170.10
Project value $20,000 to $99,999 $438.90
Project value $100,000 to $499,999 $644.70
Project value $500,000 and over $1,179.15
CCC reactivation fee $286.65
Historic CCC 2024/25
Historic code compliance certificate (over 5 years old) for drainage, solid fuel heaters, solar, retaining walls - fixed fee $438.90
Historic Residential code compliance certificate (over 5 years old) - fixed fee $880.95
Historic Commercial code compliance certificate (over 5 years old) - fixed fee $1,734.60
Earthworks monitoring 2024/25
Monitoring Fee - this provides for one hour of monitoring. If non-compliance is identified further hourly rates may apply $243.60
Pre application advice 2024/25
Pre-application and project concept development meetings (based on the charge out rates of the officers in attendance) Refer to hourly charge out rates.
First 0.5 hour free, then charge applies
Pre-application - commercial quality assurance projects (based on the charge out rates of the officers in attendance) Refer to hourly charge out rates.
First 0.5 hour free, then charge applies
Amendments and Minor Variations - Fixed fee plus hourly charge as applicable 2024/45
Amended building consent, applications – project value (amendment) up to $9,999 $81.90
Amended building consent, applications – project value (amendment) - $10,000 to $19,999 $166.95
Amended building consent, applications – project value (amendment) - $20,000 to $99,999 $239.40
Amended building consent, applications – project value (amendment) - $100,000 and over $420.00
On-site minor variation (residential) $229.95
On-site minor variation (commercial) $243.60
Building consent extension of time 2024/25
(To commence building work under a building consent)
Residential $173.25
Commercial $217.35
PIM only fixed fees 2024/25
Residential $724.50
Commercial $914.55
Where a PIM is included with a Building Consent application the PIM will be charged at the officers' hourly rate.  
Fireplaces, Solar water heaters and Insulation fixed fees 2024/25
Solid or liquid fuel heaters freestanding, one inspection $525.00
Solid or liquid fuel heaters freestanding, two inspections $735.00
Solid or liquid fuel heaters (residential pre-approved models only). The fixed fee includes processing, inspections, administration and a Code Compliance Certificate. Additional fees may apply if requests for further information or additional inspections are required.  
Retrofit rainwater tank  
Solar water heater - processing costs covered by rates $0.00
Retrofit insulation in exterior walls (exemption application) $0.00
Certificate of Acceptance (COA) Application 2024/25
Residential Fixed Fee $870.45
Commercial Fixed Fee $1,139.25
COA Administration Fee $216.30
Residential Site Visit (COA) - per hour $229.95
Commercial Site Visit (COA) - per hour $243.60

The fixed fee is for lodging the application and is non-refundable (even if the application is withdrawn or refused). A further invoice will follow to cover the time spent on this application by Tauranga City Council staff and site visits.

Building consent fees that would have been payable if consent had been sought before completing the work may be payable in addition to the COA fees as per s.97(e) of the Building Act 2004.

Please note that undertaking building work without first obtaining a building consent where a building consent is required is a contravention of the Building Act (s40). Council is obliged to take enforcement action for contraventions of the Act.


Certificate of Acceptance (COA) Application2024/25

Compliance Schedule - fixed fee plus hourly charge as applicable 2024/25
Schedule Application Base Fee $148.05
Amendment to Compliance Schedule $134.40
Additional fee per feature identified in schedule $35.70
Building Warrant of Fitness Site Audit per hour $243.60
Expired BWOF charge $220.50
Process Building Warrant of Fitness $122.85
Certificate of public use - fixed fee plus hourly charge as applicable Charges
CPU Commercial 1 and 2 $772.80
CPU - Commercial 3 $1189.65
Certificate of Public Use extension of time $346.50
Building reports Charges
Subscription of building consent approval information
Weekly service - fee per week $28.35
Monthly service - fee per month $57.75
Swimming pool 2024/25
Additional swimming pool compliance inspection fee (each inspection) $174.90
Note the first inspection is included in property rates as a targeted rate from 2024/25  

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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