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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Utu tūnga waka

Parking fees

The full list of Parking fees as of 1 July 2024

All fees in the following tables are stated inclusive of GST, unless otherwise stated.

Off street paid parking area 2024/25
Paid Parking Area - Dive Crescent - maximum daily charge $8.00
Paid Parking Area - Cliff Road - maximum daily charge $6.50
Paid Parking Area (Off Street) - TV3, Wharf Street, Devonport Road car park – maximum daily charge $12.50
Paid Parking Area - per hour (off street) $3.50
Off street parking areas are free after 5pm on weekdays and free all weekend      
On street paid parking area 2024/25
0-1 hours - per hour $2.00
1-2 hours  $2.00
3+ hours - per hour $5.00
On street parking areas are free after 5pm on weekdays and free all weekend  
Contractors only 2024/25
Daily permit in paid parking area $34.00
Daily permit in time-restricted parking space $34.00
Parking buildings - casual 2024/25
0-1 hours $2.00
1-2 hours $4.00
2-3 hours $6.50
3-4 hours $9.00
4-5 hours $11.00
5-6 hours $13.00
6-7 hours $15.00
7-8 hours $17.50
8+ hours $17.50

Overnight 5pm – 6am


Parking buildings are open 24/7. Both parking buildings (Elizabeth Street and Spring Street) are free on weekends (6am Saturday – 6am Monday) and free on public holidays.  

It is now free to use the parking buildings from 5pm – 6am on weekdays.  

General Manager: Infrastructure and Director of Transport are authorised to vary carparking charges by +/- 50% to react to demand/change in economic activity within the city  
Parking Buildings - Leased 2024/25
Spring Street Lease - Covered (monthly) $350.00
Spring Street Lease - Uncovered (monthly $295.00
Spring Street Lease - Basement (monthly) $400.00
Elizabeth Street Lease - Covered (monthly) $350.00
Elizabeth Street Lease - Uncovered (monthly) $280.00
Off-Street Leased Carparks Charges
TV 3 Lease $320.00
Devonport - Lease $295.00
Dive Crescent - Lease $320.00
Predecent Codes (as set by legislation) Charges
C101 Failing to display current Warrant of Fitness $200.00
C20 No Certificate of Fitness (HMV) $600.00
P101 Parked within an intersection $60.00
P102 Parked within 6 metres of an intersection $60.00
P103 Parked near corner bend rise or intersection $40.00
P104 Parked on or near a pedestrian crossing $60.00
P105 Parked in a prohibited area $40.00
P106 Parked over time limit $12 >*
P107 Parked on a broken yellow line $60.00
P108 Parked in area reserved for hire or reward vehicle $60.00
P109 Parked within 6 metres of a bus stop sign $40.00
P110 Parked obstructing vehicle entrance $40.00
P111 Parked within 500mm of fire hydrant $40.00
P112 Parked between fire hydrant and road marking $40.00
P113 Double parking $60.00
P114 Incorrect kerb parking - left hand side of road (R818) $40.00
P115 Parked on a footpath or cycle path $40.00
P116 Parked a trailer on a road over five days $40.00
P117 Inconsiderate parking $60.00
P119 Parked on a loading zone $40.00
P120 Incorrect angle parking (reversing into angle park) $40.00
P127 Parked on a flush median/traffic island $40.00
P128 Parked in a special vehicle lane $60.00
P129 Parked on a level crossing $150.00
P130 Parked near a level crossing $150.00
P132 Left passenger service vehicle unattended in a reserved stopping space $60.00
P386 Parked in a pay area without paying applicable fee $40.00
P212 Parked a vehicle for purposes of display or promotion $40.00
P385 Parked in a pay area longer than paid for $12 >*
P344 Parked a heavy motor vehicle in a residential zone for more than 1 hour $40.00
P402 Using an unlicensed vehicle $200.00
P405 Displayed other than authorised motor vehicle licence $200.00
P410 Used vehicle with exemption from continuous licence $200.00
P936 Parked displaying a vehicle for sale $40.00
P969 Parked on a mobility park - no card displayed $150.00
D719 Unauthorised use of a special vehicle lane $150.00
*Incremental increase up to $57.00
** set by Legislation - Land Transport Act 1998

Related information

Airport parking fees

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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