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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Transfer station fees and charges

The full list of Transfer Station fees as at 1 July 2024.

General Waste (Te Maunga is no longer accepting general waste from commercial users, use Maleme Street instead) Charges
All vehicles $43.30 per 100kg (minimum charge $29.50 up to 60kg)
Polystyrene $2136.00 per tonne (minimum charge $90.00 up to 40kg)
Generic 60 litre rubbish bag $5.50 per bag (limit of four bags up to 10kg each)
Garden-waste (no flax, bamboo, pampas grass, palm & cabbage trees) Charges
All vehicles $15.10 per 100kg (Te Maunga Transfer Station only - minimum charge $17.00 up to 110kg)
Other Charges
Cleanfill soil $99.00 per tonne (Te Maunga Transfer Station only - minimum charge $99.00)
Concrete (must be 100% concrete or will be charged at General Waste cost) $99.00 per tonne (Te Maunga Transfer Station only - minimum charge $99.00)
Weigh only $23.50 per weigh
Fridges and freezers $30.00 each
Tyres (clean tyres only, no wheel or rims. Tyres mixed with rubbish will be charged as general waste) Free of charge (up to 5 tyres per customer)
Wood waste $345.50 per tonne (Te Maunga Transfer Station only minimum charge $23.50 up to 60Kg)
Paying at Transfer Station:

Cash, Eftpos, Credit Cards, (Mastercard and Visa only) No Cheques Accepted.

For setting up a charge account at Transfer Stations please phone: 07 574 9707

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