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Tarahiti ohaoha Te Manawataki o Te Papa

Te Manawataki o Te Papa Charitable Trust

Te Manawataki o Te Papa Charitable Trust ("The Charitable Trust") is jointly governed by Tauranga City Council and the Otamataha Trust.

Site A banner image

The late Sir Peri Kohu with his mokopuna. 

Purpose of the Charitable Trust:

The Charitable Trust was established in October 2022 to own the land referred to as ‘Site A’ of the Te Manawataki o Te Papa civic precinct, following consultation with mana whenua partners and the community.

The council-controlled organisation signifies a unique pathway forward in partnership with the Otamataha Trust, to help reconcile past events and restore mana to hapū and iwi. It means that together, we can move ahead with exciting plans for this area with certainty about how the land will be owned and used in the future, so that everyone in the community benefits.

Otamataha Trust represents mana whenua from Ngāi Tamarāwaho, Ngāti Tapu and Te Materāwaho – direct descendants of those who originally released the land to the Church Missionary Society in 1838.

Tauranga City Council was acknowledged at the 2023 LGFA Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards for this mahi, winning the Te Tohu Waka Hourua – The Buddle Findlay Award for Māori-Council Partnerships.

For more information about the Awards, please go to the Taituarā website.

2023 LGFA Taituara Local Government Excellence Awards

Documents and reports

Statements of Intent

TMOTP Charitable Trust Statement of Intent 2024-2027 (65kb pdf)
TMOTP Charitable Trust Statement of Intent 2023-2026 (150kb pdf)


Enduring Statement of Expectations 2023 (451kb pdf)

Annual report

TMOTP Charitable Trust Annual Report 30 June 2024 - Draft Unaudited (1.8mb pdf)

TMOTP Charitable Trust Annual Report 30 June 2023 - Draft Unaudited (446kb pdf)

Subject to the Auditor General appointing an external auditor.

Six-monthly reports

TMOTP Charitable Trust six-monthly Report 31 December 2023 (7mb pdf)

Dr Alistair Reese

Historian Dr Alistair Reese gives an overview of events relating to the land at a council meeting held on 25 July 2022.

Recent acknowledgements of past events

To learn more about the history of Te Papa, visit our kiosk on Wharf Street.

TCC – Kiosk Story – Number 9

More information

We invited feedback on the proposal as part of our consultation process in September 2022. A total of 73 submissions on the proposal to establish a new ownership structure for the civic precinct land were received.

68% of the submissions were positively weighted in favour of the proposal, resulting in the Council approving the establishment of a new CCO Charitable Trust at the Council meeting on 3 October 2022.

Read the report below from this Council meeting.

Council Report (331kb pdf)

Read more about the joint ownership for the civic precinct land.

Joint ownership structure for civic precinct land approved

Development plans for Te Manawataki o Te Papa have been approved. This will see a $303.4 million investment over the next eight years to develop facilities such as a civic whare (public meeting house), library and community hub, and a museum and exhibition gallery (subject to achieving 50% of the required funding from non-ratepayer sources).

Below you will find more information about the proposal and the history of the land.

Read more about our exciting plans to transform the civic precinct site below.

Civic redevelopment projects

The land in the heart of our city centre has a long and complex history dating back more than 150 years.

Past events involved mana whenua experiencing alienation from the land where our council buildings have occupied for many years. This alienation has been recognised by the Waitangi Tribunal as being undertaken in a way that breached Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles.

We will soon be embarking on a major transformation on this land, one that will see a vibrant community space created there in the near future. To be called Te Manawataki o Te Papa – The Heartbeat of Te Papa - this will be a place where people can come together to connect, discover, share stories about our past, shape our future, be entertained and have fun.

As these plans progress, we believe it is important to formally recognise the long-standing grievances associated with the ownership of the land, and provide certainty around its future use. That’s why we proposed establishing a new ownership structure for the land at the Civic Precinct site, referred to as ‘Site A’. The solution adopted by Council on 3 October 2022, will see a new Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) Charitable Trust established that will own the land and be jointly governed by Council and Otamataha Trust. The Trust represents mana whenua from Ngai Tamarāwaho, Ngāti Tapu and Te Materāwaho – the descendants of those who released the site to the CMS (see history below).

This pathway means that all of us – council, mana whenua and the community - can progress with the exciting plans to restore our city’s heart with certainty, confidence and mana.

For more information about the history of the area and what we proposed, read our full Consultation Document below.

Establishing a CCO - Consultation Document (3.2kb pdf)

  • Consultation opens

    24 August 2022
  • Consultation closes

    6 September 2022
  • Commission decides to approve proposal

    3 October 2022
  • Te Manawataki o Te Papa Charitable Trust deed signed

    November 2022
  • Te Manawataki o Te Papa Charitable Trust registered as a Charity

    December 2022
  • Land ownership transferred to Trust

    June 2023

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