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Te Manawataki o Te Papa Pakihi

Te Manawataki o Te Papa Limited

Te Manawataki o Te Papa Limited ("TMOTPL") governs and leads the delivery of the civic precinct development.

The CCO is 100% owned by Tauranga City Council. Council appoints directors to the council-controlled organisation's (CC) board of directors.

Te Manawataki o Te Papa Limited banner

Artist impression of Te Manawataki o Te Papa.

Purpose of TMOTPL:

TMOTPL was established in December 2022 and is Council’s CCO that is responsible for governing the effective delivery of a suite of projects across Tauranga city centre, benefiting the whole community. It draws upon a wide range of industry and commercial expertise, with strong governance in place.

The suite of projects include:

  • Te Manawataki o Te Papa civic precinct (the heartbeat of Te Papa) – including new facilities such as a library and community hub, museum, a civic whare (public meeting house), and an exhibition gallery
  • Redevelopment of the public realm and Waterfront
  • Memorial Park Aquatics and Recreation Hub
  • New indoor courts facility at 483 Cameron Road, and
  • Fitout of 90 Devonport Road offices.

For more information about the suite of projects, please go to the 'getting the heart of our city pumping' webpage.

Getting the heart of our city pumping webpage

Strong governance

The development of the civic precinct involves a significant investment, so it was important that we took the right steps to ensure there is a governance structure in place that gives everyone, including our funders, partners and the wider community, confidence that the project will be delivered effectively.

A Chair and three Directors with high calibre skills and experience, at both a governance and operational level, have commenced their roles on the board. Local resident and experienced director Kim Wallace has taken on the position of Board Chair, while the highly skilled Barry Bragg, Peter Neven and Nathan Speir have commenced their roles as Board Directors.

CCO Board

Kim Wallace

Kim Wallace, Chair

Kim Wallace is a resident of Tauranga Moana. She has had an executive career in finance, complemented with full time governance appointments over the past 10 years. Since 2018 Kim has been the Independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee for Christchurch City Council. She is also currently Deputy Chair of AgResearch Limited and an Independent Director of Port Nelson Limited and Origin Capital Partners.

In addition, Kim is Chair of several Project Steering Committees charged with the oversight of significantly large and complex Crown-funded construction projects such as the $1 billion State Highway 2 projects between Waihi and Tauranga.

Barry Bragg

Barry Bragg, Director

Barry Bragg is currently Chair of Te Kaha Project Delivery Limited, a council-controlled organisation set up to independently govern the design and construction of the $683 million Te Kaha multi-use arena in Christchurch, reporting to Treasury under the Crown funding agreement.

Barry is also current Chair of Pegasus Health Limited, the largest Primary Health Network in the South Island, and current Chair of Paenga Kupenga Limited, a subsidiary of Ngāi Tahu’s investment arm Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga, supporting the delivery of social outcomes. Of Ngāi Tahu, Whānau a Apanui and Whakatōhea descent, Barry has previous executive experience working for various energy and telecommunications organisations across New Zealand.

Peter Neven

Peter Neven, Director

Peter Neven has extensive experience in the New Zealand Construction Industry, including 33 years at Fletcher Construction, responsible for all commercial projects in New Zealand such as Auckland Hospital, Wellington Hospital, the Sky City complex including Sky Tower, the PWC office complex, Eden Park development, AMI Stadium in Christchurch and ASB headquarter building in Auckland. 

Peter is currently involved in various governance roles some of which include, the Wellington City Council Te Matapihi Project Library seismic upgrade, Te Kaha stadium in Christchurch and is an Independent Director for Master Build Services Ltd.

Nathan Speir

Nathan Speir, Director

Nathan Speir is a partner of MC and a local government law specialist, acting for some of Aotearoa’s largest local authorities. Innovation is at the heart of Nathan’s practice, always looking for better ways to do things with a forward-thinking approach to delivery. 

Nathan has a Master of Law with Honours from the University of Auckland and is a trusted advisor to local authorities across New Zealand.

Read more about the appointments made on 20 March and 3 April 2023.

More information

Community consultation

A total of 24 submissions on the proposal were received during the consultation period from 21 November to 2 December 2022.  Three submissions did not directly comment on the CCO proposal – two submissions used the channel to comment more generally about city improvement opportunities, while one submission contained no text. Of the remaining 21 submissions, 10 supported the proposal and 11 did not support the proposal. 

Below is the report from the Council meeting where the consultation results were discussed.

CCO to deliver civic precinct redevelopment Council report (109kb pdf)

Rationale for the new CCO

The redevelopment of our civic precinct in Tauranga’s city centre is a once-in-a-generation project that will see our city’s heart transformed into a vibrant community space over the coming years, breathing new life into what will become a key cultural, heritage and economic driver for the region.

This project involves a significant investment, so it’s important that we take the right steps to improve cost efficiencies and ensure there is a structure in place that gives everyone confidence that the project will be delivered effectively – be it our funders, partners or the wider community.

The new CCO governance structure was proposed to enable Council to draw upon a wide range of industry and commercial expertise that would enhance the delivery of Te Manawataki o Te Papa, for the benefit of everyone involved.

How did we get to this proposal?

Due to the significance of the project, a review was commissioned in early 2022 into potential options for the delivery of the civic precinct redevelopment programme.

The review assessed various options and resulted in a recommendation that a CCO be established to govern and lead the projects.

After considering potential governance approaches, the review report indicated that a governance CCO model offered advantages which would help ensure the best possible project outcomes were achieved.

The full reports undertaken by independent consultant Max Pederson can be found below.

The outcome of the reports, proposal and consultation, was to establish the Te Manawataki o Te Papa Limited CCO.

Pedersen report - August 2022 (397kb pdf) Pedersen report - November 2022 (405kb pdf)

A CCO is an entity in which one or more local authorities control 50 percent or more of the voting rights, or appoint 50 percent or more of the members of the governing body. A CCO can be a company, trust, partnership or an incorporated society.

To ensure the redevelopment project will be delivered effectively, it is proposed to establish a new CCO. This proposed CCO would be 100 percent council controlled.

The purpose of the CCO is to:

Govern the delivery of the civic development projects

To achieve that purpose, it is proposed that:

  • Council incorporate the CCO company and adopt a constitution
  • Council identify the skills required for the Board and prepare an information pack for potential directors
  • Council seek and engage directors in accordance with Council's Appointment of Directors to Council Organisations policy
  • Council issue a Statement of Expectations to the CCO
  • Council delegate powers and functions to the CCO and identify reporting requirements of the CCO back to Council
  • Council receive and consider the draft Statement of Intent produced by the CCO
  • The CCO will create a more effective oversight of construction projects
  • There will be a new Board and at least one employee
  • A Statement of Expectations will be issued from Council
  • A clear Statement of Intent will be produced by the project Board
  • The existing partnering agreement Council has with Willis Bond
  • Investment levels for Te Manawataki o Te Papa
  • The CCO ensures there is a structure in place that gives everyone confidence that the project will be delivered effectively
  • Cost efficiencies for the delivery of the project will be improved
  • Those involved in the project will be able to draw on a wide range of industry and commercial expertise

The investment required for the establishment of the CCO is approximately $100k.

Annual fees of the CCO have not been fully determined but are expected to be approximately $600k. These fees will predominately cover the costs of the board and senior executive.

These costs will be covered by a loan funded grant from Council to the CCO. It is recommended that Council will raise a loan to finance to loan fund this grant given the nature of this CCO and its sole focus on the governance of delivery of long-term capital expenditure. There would be additional budget funded through ratepayers over a maximum 10-year time period to pay off each annual loan.

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