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Public barbecues in Tauranga are free to use. You can't book the barbecues, it's first-in-first-served. 

They are operated by push button, and are cleaned once a week in the winter and twice a week in summer.

All of the BBQs are electric, they are ignited by holding the start button for a minimum of six seconds. If it doesn't light after six seconds, continue to hold the button in until it lights.

You can take your own gas barbecue to any park or reserve or foreshore - but open fires are NOT permitted on reserves.

Barbecue locations

Arataki Park One BBQ between the skate park and St Johns.
Beach Road Reserve Near east end of reserve near water front
Fergusson Park

Two BBQs on side of road from Tilby Drive entrance to toilet block and two BBQs north of Tilby Drive playground

Hartford Avenue One BBQ by the playground
Ila Park One BBQ across the footpath opposite the playground
Kulim Park One near the toilet block, another close to the front gate
Marine Parade

Three BBQs opposite 33/34 Marine Parade
Three BBQs opposite 45 Marine Parade
Three BBQs in grass area above Tay Street Beach

Maxwells Road Esplanade One BBQ near the toilet block
McLaren Falls Park

At bottom flat campsite
On eastern peninsula at Cherry Bay
On western peninsula at Cherry Bay
On Hamilton Point
At top flat campsite 

Memorial Park

Between petanque court and rocket slide
Near the north end of Fraser Street car park

Moa Park One BBQ by the playground
Papamoa Domain

In grass area behind beach car park
In grass area between Surf Club and restaurant

Pelorus Street Reserve Between seats west of play area
Pilot Bay Reserve Opposite 27a The Mall and one opposite 9 The Mall
Rotary Park South end of car park
Sulphur Point At far end of Marina facing Mount
Tye Park One In line with Forrester Drive entrance near water's edge, beach front of reserve. 30m southwest of boat ramp. One BBQ located east of the boat-ramp
Waterford Downs Reserve South of the play area
Yatton Park Next to the garden near start of front loop track

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