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Mahere Papa rāhui Matua

Active Reserves Master Plan

As one of New Zealand’s fastest growing cities we want to create active reserves and community spaces where people can come together to do the things they love.

community using Kulim Park playground

Proposed Active Reserve Masterplan

We’re proposing a city-wide network of venues for sports, recreation, and events, which is part of a wider strategy around future-proofing Tauranga's public spaces and reserves.

Proposed reserves masterplans (10mb pdf)

We want to work with the community and sports organisations to make our community spaces better and use the spaces we have in the best way possible.

We have to optimise the sites we currently have, as we are limited by how much more land we can open up to meet the increasing community demand for sport, events and green space in our city and our rapidly growing population.

There will be something for everyone, from park benches for nana to sit on, to playgrounds, accessible pathways for use no matter how you roll, and world class sports facilities for our aspiring and professional athletes.

From people of all ages who enjoy taking part in sport, to event and music festival goers – we don’t want to leave anyone behind as our city grows.

We’re also making sure turfs and facilities across the city are up to scratch so they can be used for as many hours as possible, by as many people as possible. This includes drainage, irrigation and installing more resilient grass types.

It’s still early days and we’re committed to working closely with the community and sports organisations to make our community spaces better for everyone.

Lets talk Tauranga

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