Share with care
At four metres wide, the pathway provides ample width for multiple users, who are all encouraged to share with care. In response to community feedback, we’ve ensured this is an accessible and inclusive space. The pathway has been designed for a diverse range of users – including pedestrians, cyclists, users of wheelchairs and mobility devices, skaters and scooter riders – to safely experience this wonderful environment together.
Features and amenities
As part of the Marine Parade coastal path development, a new playground has been developed. The play space, which features equipment designed especially for younger children (under 10), is low in height so it blends in with the dunes and is designed to complement the existing Te Ngaio Reserve playground on the opposite side of Marine Parade.
There are also plenty of barbeques, bike stands, rubbish and recycling stations, picnic tables and other seating to be found along the Marine Parade pathway. Toilets can be found nearby at Mount Hopukiore (Mount Drury) Reserve and the Tay Street Beach Reserve.
Ongoing revegetation
While the pathway was officially opened in December 2023, revegetation and dune restoration work along the pathway will continue throughout planting seasons over the next few years as more native species are reintroduced to the area.