As traffic conditions continue to evolve in our fast growing city, there is always work to do to promote safe driving.
Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council share road safety co-ordinators who are responsible for implementing and managing core road safety campaigns in the sub-region.
Funding for the various road safety campaigns and for the Travel Safe programmes comes from the New Zealand Transport Agency with contributions from both Tauranga City Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council and other partners.
We are also a member of the Tauranga and Western Bay Joint Road Safety Committee along with Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the NZ Police. This group promotes road safety initiatives across both Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty Council.
New Zealand’s ‘Road to Zero’ strategy has a vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on New Zealand roads.
A vision where everyone, whether they’re walking, cycling, driving, motorcycling or taking public transport, can get to where they’re going safely.
It might sound impossible, but Aotearoa has a plan to get there. It’s called Road to Zero.
Road Safety efforts for Tauranga City and the Western Bay of Plenty is focused on priority areas where there is the most potential to reduce death and serious injury. The identified areas of risk include:
- vehicle safety
- infrastructure improvement
- work-related road safety
- road user choices
- system management
To view ‘Road to Zero’ and associated action plans visit the Road to Zero website
This is the overall road safety strategy for all councils to work towards.
Safety Improvements Programme
For the on-going Safety Improvements Programme, Tauranga City Council works together with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. This programme covers transport projects under $1 million that have been identified as a safety concern by the community, NZ Police and council. Think of new pedestrian crossings, minor intersection changes such as a new island or changes to the width of the road, and reducing speeds through traffic calming such as speed humps and small roundabouts.