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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Rautaki tūnuku

Transportation strategies

We’re acting now on a shared transport vision that protects our people and our environment, supports long-term growth and our economy.

Tauranga System Plan

The Transport System Plan, TSP, is a partnership between central and local government, tāngata whenua and businesses, using facts and research to develop transport options for the future that will create better and safer connections for people and goods and protect our environment for future generations.

Tauranga System Plan

Tauranga Urban Network Study

The Tauranga Urban Network Study (TUNS) was developed jointly by TCC, BOPRC, WBOPDC and NZTA. The purpose of the TUNS is to: 

  • Develop a statement about the condition of the current arterial network; 
  • Identify the challenges the network is likely to face over the next 30 years; and 
  • Demonstrate the potential effects of these challenges on future network function.

Tauranga Urban Network Study (6mb pdf)


The procurement strategy for transportation sets out Council’s strategic approach to procurement for transportation projects and considers its long term goals of maintaining a competitive and sufficient supply market. The Procurement strategy is updated on 3 -5 yearly intervals.

Procurement strategy for transportation (4.2mb pdf)

Bus stop guidelines

The purpose of this document is to encourage consistency in the provision of bus stops. This document provides guidance on bus stop location, design and facilities for use by anyone who is involved in planning and designing bus stops located within the boundaries of the Tauranga City Council.

Draft Bus Stop Guidelines (1.52mb pdf)

NZTA is in the process of developing a national set of guidelines that will be consistent with our document.

Draft Guidelines for Public Transport Infrastructure and Facilities (2.2mb pdf)

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