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Te pito o te tau

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve banner

Join us for New Year’s Eve community celebrations across Tauranga on Tuesday 31 December 2024.

Countdown to New Year's Eve


Celebrate New Year’s Eve with whānau and friends at one of Tauranga City Council’s five free community celebrations! At each event enjoy live music, roving entertainment, delicious food trucks, activities for the kids, and a local MC to host.

All events will finish with fireworks at 9.30pm except for the Greerton celebration which will finish with a laser light show. At Fergusson Park in Matua there will be a low sensory/accessible event with limited noise and crowds, taking place an hour before the main event. See details about each event below.

One night, five community celebrations, 6pm to 9.30pm

Matua low sensory event 5pm to 6pm

For those who experience sensory sensitivities and/or have accessibility requirements, the Matua celebration will have an earlier celebration from 5pm to 6pm.

  • Accessible parking - parking is available for mobility cardholders in the main car parking area adjacent to the Ōtūmoetai Football Clubrooms
  • Smaller crowds
  • Lower-volume acoustic music performed by Sophie Maud
  • Quiet room on site

What to bring?

  • A picnic blanket and/or something to sit on
  • Feel free to bring your own kai or choose from a variety of delicious food truck options
  • With the sun still strong in the afternoon, remember to slip, slop, slap and wrap
  • For those with sensory sensitivities, bring headphones to limit sound at the main events
  • Cash or card to purchase drinks and snacks 

Please note, that there may be a Tauranga City Council-commissioned photographer or videographer working at these events.

Getting there

We encourage residents to bike, walk, bus or share a ride to the New Year’s Eve Community Celebrations. Bayhopper buses will run normal services throughout the day on New Year’s Eve, see the timetable here. If you do need to drive, please check the event parking details below.


New years eve events map

A full road closure will be in place from 5pm on 31 December 2024 to 3am on 1 January 2025 along The Strand, from the Devonport Road roundabout down to Hamilton Street. Resident access and access for deliveries will be maintained during the road closure. Car parking is available for mobility cardholders on Dive Crescent within the closure. Please show your mobility card to the Traffic Management staff.

Remember, parking in the city centre is free from 5pm to 6am on weekdays and free on public holidays.

You can find more information on parking in the city centre here.

The below map shows public cycle parking 'bike racks' in Tauranga City Centre

The number shown on the map is the number of bike racks, not the number of spaces. One bike rack typically caters for two bicycles.

Bike rack parking map

Event car parking is available onsite but is limited. Designated parking is available for mobility cardholders adjacent to the event site, at the end of Alice Road past the Pāpāmoa Sports and Recreation Centre.

Event car parking is available onsite but is limited, parking is available for mobility cardholders in the main car parking area adjacent to the Ōtūmoetai Football Clubrooms.

Event car parking is available onsite but is limited, designated parking for mobility cardholders is available within the main racecourse entrance off Cameron Road.

Event car parking is available onsite but is limited, designated parking for mobility cardholders is available in the Bay Oval car park off Kawaka Street. Your mobility card will grant access you access to this parking area.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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