Building consent applications can be submitted online or via a hardcopy which can be picked up from our customer service centre.
If you need assistance with your application, please call the Building Services team on 07 577 7000 to book a time with a Building Control Officer.
Apply for a building consent
Building consent exemptions
The Building Act 2004 allows for some building work to be carried out without obtaining a building consent.
A Council building consent exemption means:
- less documentation and cost for you
- shorter processing times
- your approved projects can be started sooner.
Exemptions from building consents fall into two categories, work that is automatically exempted by the Building Act 2004, and other work where the Council can decide to exempt the work under Schedule 1(2) of the Building Act.
Find out if you need a building consent or if your building work is automatically exempt.
If you know your work is not automatically exempt but you think it still may qualify for an exemption, give us a call on 07 577 7000.
Applications for building consent exemptions are considered on a case-by-case basis, where the work is:
- carried out by suitably qualified and experienced persons with a proven record of competence in similar work, and
- a clear understanding of the Building Act and building code is demonstrated in the application, and
- assurances are given as to how compliance with the New Zealand Building Code will be achieved.