Tauranga City Council Building Information
Site Plan
- All new and existing buildings and swimming pools in relation to all buildings and boundaries
- Legal and notional boundaries (existing and proposed), easements, waterways, shared accessways/other areas with building setbacks dimensioned
- Any heritage buildings/trees or archaeological site information known
- Building and site areas (including floor areas in m² for all floors)
- Vehicle access, crossing location, manoeuvre, parking area
- Any hard-standing (sealed or concrete) areas with proposed drainage
- Any significant trees on the site
Outline Floor plans (for all floors)
Outline Elevations
Outline Cross Sections
- If required to show recession plane/daylight plane and height compliance
Project Information Memorandum
- (If already issued) plus all attached forms
Building Code Assessment
- Showing means of compliance, e.g. AS1, AS2, Alternative solution
Restricted Building Work (RBW)
Fully Detailed Foundation Plans
- Proposed and existing site levels
- Existing and proposed contours
- Drive gradients and pedestrian access
- Floor levels and finished paving levels
Drainage Plans
- Full design details for both foul water and stormwater to approved outfalls
Detailed Floor Plans
- Drawn to scale, fully dimensioned and annotated showing location of smoke alarms with rooms identified
Detailed Elevations
- Including door and windows showing opening sashes
Hazardous Substances
- Storage location and capacity (e.g. LPG, diesel, home heating oil)
Cross Sections
- Show all relevant construction details, particularly for complex sections of the construction
Timber Treatment
- The species, grading and treatment of all timber specific to the project is to be specified on the drawings, ideally on the cross section, in addition to any specification references
- R-values on drawings, method of compliance identified (schedule/calculation/modelling)
Electrical Plan
- Showing all lighting and electrical outlets including fitting types
Framing Details
- Including floor joist layout plans if applicable
Construction Details
- With all materials, fixings etc. noted
Weather-tightness Details
- Including a risk assessment matrix for all walls and flashings
Internal Waterproofing Details
- Including all wet areas and surface finishes
Plumbing Details
- Including layout plan with full schematics of water supply, including hot water system location, valving and all associated systems connected to the hot water cylinder (e.g. solar, wetback etc.), plus water supply details
- Information limited to and relevant to the project only
Bracing Design
- Calculations, schedule and layout plans showing specific locations in building
Roof Truss Design
- Including layout plan, all fixings and specific design for lintels where required
Ground Conditions Report
- This will be either a report to verify that the ground is "good ground" according to the Building Code, or a specific ground assessment and foundation design by a Chartered Engineer or qualified Geotechnical Engineer
Engineers’ Details and Design Calculations
- Where any specific design has been carried out (e.g. steel beams)
Approvals from Other Authorities
- Regional Council for discharges to land, air, or water
- Hazardous Substances and New Organisms
Heating Appliance
- Installation details including clearances, hold down details, flue installation (new or existing), flue height (approx.) And flashing type (and age if existing).
- Ceiling type – flat or sloping
- Plumbing schematic for wetback installation and location of hot water cylinder (if applicable)
Solar Water Heating
- Product specifications, elevations, plumbing schematic floor plan
Swimming/Spa Pool
- Site plan, ground condition report, details of construction, fencing, gate latch and opening, backflow, discharge of pool water, hydrostatic relief valve (if applicable)