A project information memorandum (PIM) is a report issued by Council before, or with a building consent.
It contains information known to Council which is relevant to your building proposal, e.g. sewer connections, MBIE technical categories, existing drainage, flood and hazards that may be on your site, that could affect your building project.
It provides details on the authorisations that you will need to get and issues that you will need to consider and deal with so that you can get the go ahead on your building consent application.
A PIM is not mandatory and a lot of the relevant information, such as slopes, assets and zoning, can also be found using our property information tool. However, finding out information on a PIM early may help you complete consent documents for your application more accurately, which helps us to process your consent more quickly.
Apply for a PIM
PIM applications need to include information about:
- scaled drawings to include
- site plan boundary and building layout dimensioned with north point and intended drainage paths for overland and services
- floor plans dimensioned with all room spaces labeled with intended use
- external elevations showing boundary locations to each side of the building and height requirements for planning
- intended use of the building
- legal description of the land, and location and external dimensions of the building
- provisions for flooding from intense rainfall
- provisions on site coverage
- provisions for vehicle access
- provisions for stormwater and waste water disposal and connection to other services. Water connections for industrial and commercial buildings will require the applicant to consult with City Waters prior to the application of the building consent
- where applicable, special provisions where the work will be close to a road or public place or existing underground services
- details of any resource consents granted and
- any other information reasonably required by the Council.
In return, the Council will provide information on:
- other legislation that the proposal is to comply with that may or may not be administered by Council (e.g. Historic Places Act, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act)
- information relevant to your building proposal, such as location of underground services, likelihood of flooding and subsidence, and whether development contributions are payable
- information on other authorisations you may need, i.e. resource consents.
How long does a PIM take to process?
Council is required to provide a PIM within 20 working days of the application.
How much does a PIM cost?
PIM fees and charges