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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Code compliance certificate

The code compliance certificate (CCC) confirms the work done complies with the building consent, and shows that the work is legal, compliant and complete. You have two years to apply for a code compliance certificate once your building consent is granted.

When your building project is complete and ready to undertake a final building inspection, you will need to apply for a code compliance certificate.

A code compliance certificate is the Building Consent Authority (Council) final sign off for your building work. Council issues code compliance certificate based on the inspections undertaken during and at the end of construction along with the required documentation as per Section 92 of the Building Act. It’s only issued when Council is satisfied on reasonable grounds that your building work is completed and complies with the building consent, and any specified systems for the building are capable of performing.

To obtain a code compliance certificate you will need to have completed and passed all required inspections, complete and submit an application form, as well as all documentation as noted in the Building Consent.

Application for code compliance certificate (295kb pdf)

This certificate came into effect on 1 July 1992. If your property was built before then, it won’t be eligible for a code compliance certificate. However, there should be inspection notes in the property file. 

You can check the status of the certificate for an older property by calling our Building Support Officers.

Submit the application

How you apply varies depending on a few factors. 

Final inspection was booked and passed prior to 13 March 2017

  • Email your certificate application and required documentation to ccc@tauranga.govt.nz.
  • Email your full application in PDF format in one attachment, and in the same order as listed on the required items report, which was issued with your building consent.
  • We will communicate with you regarding this application via email.

Building consents issued electronically or final inspection booked after 13 March 2017

  • Apply for your certificate through building consents online and upload all the required documentation
  • Only electronic applications will be accepted.
  • We will communicate with you regarding this application through building consents online.

Manage documents

These quick tips will ensure you can easily submit your application.

  • Upload your documentation as you receive it, rather than upload it all at the end.
  • Only apply for your certificate when all documentation are uploaded.
  • Building inspectors cannot accept code compliance certificate applications or documentation at the time of inspection. It is your responsibility to upload all required documentation to the online building consents system.

Manage the application

Code compliance certificate processing will take up to 20 working days. However, before the ‘clock’ starts your application will be checked for completeness. Note: the minimum requirement is to have LBP record of works and electrical/gas certificates.

If it’s incomplete or inaccurate, it will be declined. The clock will stop until we receive the missing information, at which point it will start again.

For more information, see the code compliance fees and charges.

Once approved, your certificate will be issued on receipt and processing of payment. Please be aware that some banks will take one or more business days to complete the payment and therefore Council will see the funds up to 48 hours later. Therefore, please expect to be able to access your documents after this time.

Code compliance certificate extensions

An application for a code compliance certificate must be made as soon as practicable after the completion of all consented building work.

However if you’re unable to start building within 12 months of a building consent being issued, or you are unable to finish work within 24 months of it being granted, you’ll need to apply for an extension of time.

Code Compliance Certificate applications for old building consents

For building consents lacking a Code Compliance Certificate and older than five years since the date of granting.  

The following guidance document will assist home owners establish whether they are permitted and what is involved when applying for a Code Compliance Certificate for an historic building consent. 

CCC Applications for old building consents (98kb pdf)

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