Our climate is changing, and Tauranga residents will need to respond to a range of social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities presented by climate change.
The important role of our community
Our engagement has told us that Tauranga communities are concerned about climate change and are taking actions themselves to mitigate its effects. Actions by Council, combined with individual changes in behaviours and action at a ‘flax roots’ level, will move us towards meeting our collective goals.
We ALL have the opportunity to be climate leaders by taking actions such as:
- reducing emissions, energy, and waste
- reconditioning homes to make them water and energy efficient, and resilient to weather events
- reducing food waste and separating recycling and organic matter from landfill waste (or growing our own food)
- raising awareness on climate action, care for the environment and restoring the mauri (life principle, life force) of our waterways
- shifting mode of travel to more sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, transit, carpooling, car sharing and electric vehicles
- working from home on occasion or taking the bus to the office
- being examples of how each small change can have a positive global impact.
There are several great resources to help you and your whānau on your sustainability journey. Check out the websites below to learn more about how to reduce your impact on the planet.
Websites we recommend:
- EnviroHub - EnviroHub is located in Tauranga Moana and offers various programmes for those seeking a deeper connection within the world in which they exist. From Sustainable Backyards to their many community workshops, there is plenty on offer
- FutureFit - FutureFit allows you to calculate your personal emissions footprint and shows actions you can take to make a difference. The quiz only takes 5 minutes, give it a go!
- Genless - Genless is the "home of climate action and ideas," full of steps you can take to cut down your emissions and benefit our climate, your wellbeing, and your pocket.
Resources on the TCC website:
- Food waste and composting - Compost your food scraps at home to keep them from going to the landfill where they can cause adverse environmental effects
- Rubbish and recycling - Learn more about waste collection services in Tauranga and waste reduction initiatives
- Natural hazards - Tauranga is subject to natural hazards such as erosion, inundation, and extreme rainfall that are important to understand
- Travel sustainably - TCC is committed to making Tauranga a safe city to get around and reducing our reliance on cars
- Water watchers - Water Watchers is a way to manage water in Tauranga all year round – at home, at work, and in the community.
Have an idea for a climate action project you’d like to start in your community?
Apply for funding