Applicants should consult with local iwi who may be affected by a proposal as early as possible to ensure they have time to consider and advise of any concerns.
The Resource Management Act recognises that iwi have a special cultural and spiritual relationship with the environment. When considering an application, we need to recognise and provide for the relationship of Maori, their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga (treasures).
We can provide contact details for iwi who should be consulted in your area. We can also help with the correct procedures on how to consult different iwi. Contact us to find out more about this.
Remember, consultation does not require agreement. It is to allow you and Council to be informed about the views of iwi. If iwi concerns cannot be resolved and you still want to proceed with your application, then it is imperative that you have made a genuine attempt to consult in an open and honest manner, so that their views are recorded and can be taken into account.
Iwi expectations
In general, when iwi are approached to consult over a proposal, they have may the expectation that:
- they have access to all relevant consent information
- there is a willingness to meet face to face and that their views are respected
- if a meeting is agreed to take place on a local marae, any marae costs are met as part of the consultation process
- the applicant commissions and pays for a 'cultural impact assessment report'. This may be desirable for a large-scale development and/or where it can be demonstrated that the proposed activity may have a significant impact on the iwi.
A fee to cover the costs of consultation may be requested by iwi. It is therefore advisable that you discuss potential costs prior to starting consultation.