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Ka pēhea te tatau i te inenga whai hua?

How is rating valuation calculated?

A rating valuation is based on the market value of a property at a particular point in time. The last citywide revaluation took place on 1 May 2023 and was based on the property sales market at the time.

A property value is made up of three components:

Capital value (CV) - this is what your property might have sold for at the date of valuation, excluding chattels. The CV is also known as Government Valuation (GV) or Rateable Value (RV).

Land value (LV) - the most likely selling price of the bare land at the date of valuation.

Improvement value (IV) - this is the difference between the land value and the capital value.

Residential rating valuations are calculated using mass appraisal techniques. They are not individual valuations of every property like those undertaken by private valuers. The value of your property is determined using a range of factors, including analyzing resource and building consents and the sales of properties in your area over the last three years.

What is the difference between capital value and market value?

Capital value is the probable price that would have been paid for the property at the date of the valuation (1 May 2023) excluding chattels, and market value is the probable price that would have been paid for the property at any given time, depending on market factors.

The Tauranga property market is dynamic, and market values can change significantly and rapidly. Council valuations should only be used for rating purposes – not as market values or for insurance or mortgage purposes.

What property information does the Council record?

Council records a wide range of information for each property. You can use the property search function to see what information we hold. Search for your property and select the link ‘View other information we hold about your property' under Property details.

To make a correction to your property’s information, go to the valuation objections portal, select “maintenance objection” and follow the prompts. 

  • location of property
  • slope of land
  • quality of landscaping
  • type of view
  • scope of view
  • building type/appearance
  • interior modernisation
  • year built
  • area of largest continuous living space
  • total area
  • decks/verandas/patios
  • areas not included in main living space
  • other substantial improvements
  • drive on access
  • properly formed and covered driveway
  • number of car spaces
  • free standing covered car spaces
  • number of units
  • materials (walls/roof)
  • building condition
  • site coverage etc.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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