The following guidelines are intended for use alongside the Infrastructure Development Code (IDC) and Councils capital and maintenance works contracts.
They apply via reference from these documents. Guidelines are intended to:
- Assist your decision making where more than one solution may be applicable
- Guide you to help achieve the best results
- Provide detailed information or requirements not specifically mentioned in the IDC or Contract Documents
TCC/WBOPDC Hygiene Code of Practice for Water Supply Systems (532kb pdf)
Planting guide - Street trees and gardens (pages 1-27) 8.8mb pdf)
Planting guide - Street trees and gardens (pages 28-54) 5mb pdf)
Stormwater Management guidelines
The Stormwater Management Guidelines provide a common reference point for the design and management of stormwater systems in Tauranga, highlighting the low impact design (LID) approach. They also provide background information on the effects of stormwater runoff, Council's stormwater systems and receiving environments and the regulatory and policy frameworks for stormwater management.
The Guidelines are supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with Council's Infrastructure Development Code
The Guidelines are intended for use by a range of industry professionals such as designers, planners, policy developers, contractors and those responsible for system maintenance. If you are working outside of the Tauranga City area, a complementary set of guidelines have been produced for the Bay of Plenty region and can be found on at Bay of Plenty Regional Council
If you have any questions about the Tauranga City Council Stormwater Management Guidelines please contact