Tauranga is New Zealand’s fifth largest city and is continuing to grow at a fast pace.
Most of the growth to date has been low-density housing on the edge of the city which typically has high infrastructure costs and places significant pressure on the transport network. The growth challenge is recognised locally and nationally, with central government providing clear direction (through the emerging National Policy Statement for Urban Growth and other policy documents) on the need to provide for more housing and movement choices around centres and along public transport routes. If we do not act now, we are likely to face a growing housing shortage and higher housing and infrastructure costs.
What we have heard
While it makes sense to make the most of what we have, it is also important that we recognise and provide for existing community values, identified through engagement with the Te Papa community. The Te Papa Plan represents a collaborative document that responds to what you have told us and identifies the collective future aspirations for this area.
We have been undertaking engagement with the community around growth for some time now and will continue to do so as we progress. Through SmartGrowth and the preparation of the draft Future Development Strategy, what we have heard has remained consistent – the community wants bold leadership expressed through aspirational visions and ambitious targets that support better connections, and easier access to work, live, learn, and play opportunities. Transport has been continuously identified as a key issue with support for a comprehensive and ambitious, multi-modal, integrated transport plan with a 30 to 50-year horizon.
Through the preparation of the draft Tauranga Urban Strategy, the majority of feedback preferred a compact urban form, supported by good public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure, and the natural environment. Local and international studies show that a compact urban form is the most cost-effective approach to provide both housing and transport choices. A key outcome of the draft Tauranga Urban Strategy was to progress with future planning for Te Papa to achieve these outcomes.
Between 7 April and 19 May 2020, we asked the community and stakeholders for their feedback on proposed ideas, potential projects and initiatives to support growth in the Te Papa peninsula. We collated and analysed the feedback received to inform the prioritisation of ideas for the final Te Papa Spatial Plan. The type of feedback we received showed that we are on the right track with the direction of the Te Papa Plan. Community feedback showed overall support for the ideas, projects and initiatives that support unique, liveable, connected and healthy neighbourhoods, and the need to take a coordinated, comprehensive and integrated approach in working towards these. Find out more in our summary of engagement.
Summary of engagement - April/May 2020 (2.3mb pdf)
In August 2019, we engaged with the community on what they value about Te Papa; what they see as the key challenges, and what they want the future to look like. We received almost 1,200 comments from community engagement sessions and events and over 200 survey responses. This feedback has helped us to develop the outcomes and ideas identified in this discussion document.
We provided a range of opportunities for people to share their thoughts and opinions. This included:
- Meetings and workshops with stakeholders and community groups
- Community engagement sessions throughout the peninsula
- Hosting special family-focused local events
- Visiting and gaining feedback from students at 10 schools and their whanau
- Attending local events and expos
- Online survey and information
We have summarised all of the feedback we received from the community on what they value, would like to see and what they don’t like about the Te Papa peninsula. We have received a wealth of feedback and this information will inform the next stages of the projects as options are developed.
Te Papa peninsula – Summary of engagement - August 2019 (1.32mb pdf)
As part of the engagement, a survey was made available to the community and has identified some key themes the community is most focused on.
Te Papa peninsula – survey outcomes (1.06mb pdf)
Here’s a snapshot of what you’ve told us to date: