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Te Ahunga Ao Māori

Te Ao Māori approach

Te Ao Maori

Tauranga City Council will understand and apply key Māori concepts to enhance outcomes for our communities, thereby bringing to life the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

Te Ao Māori is the Māori world, where the world is perceived holistically, acknowledging the interconnectedness and interrelationships of all living and non-living things. When in balance, this supports healthy environments and healthy communities. 

Ngā Whanonga Pono o Te Ao Māori  (understanding Te Ao Māori principles)

To determine a framework that enables Council to understand and incorporate Te Ao Māori into our work, we need to identify the mātāpuna (the source of its wellbeing), its core values which contribute to holistic health. These life-giving principles are acknowledged and underpin all aspects of Māori society.

Manaakitanga - ahurutanga/haumarutanga – a strong duty of care and safety for our people

  • mana motuhake – self determination
  • tikanga – best practice
  • tāuutuutu – reciprocity

Kaitiakitanga - stewardship of the natural environment
Whanaungatanga- relationships and network support systems
Wairuatanga - mana atua & whakapono - a well-grounded belief system that supports instinct and intuition in line with whāia te tika – the pursuit of the right way forward
Tūmanako - the objectives and aspirations of the community whai rawa/ōhanga – financial sustainability, economic health and business strategy
Te Reo Māori - active commitment to protect and promote this taonga, the Māori language, for future generations of all New Zealanders

Why do we need to change the way we work?

  1. The spirit of partnership between the council, tangata whenua and the community is lacking.
  2. Council processes and systems do not prioritise or value Te Ao Māori principles and therefore the consideration of tangata whenua as partners in projects and work programmes across the organisation is inconsistent.
  3. Iwi and hapū are under resourced and therefore are unable to participate adequately in the many council projects and processes that impact tangata whenua.

What success looks like

  •  A spirit of partnership is created between the council, Māori and the community and we work together to restore trust and confidence.
  • Noho rangapū (partnership) is achieved between Council and mana whenua and is evident though Māori participation in decision-making practices.
  • Tauranga’s culture and history are well understood, embraced and celebrated.
  • Taonga are protected, including:
    • mātauranga - knowledge systems and intellectual property
    • taiao – natural environment
    • ngā taonga tuku iho nō ngā tūpuna1 – heritage
    • Te Reo Māori – Māori language.
  • Māori exercise rangatiratanga of knowledge systems, kaitiakitanga of our natural environment, and mātauranga Māori.
  • A set of shared outcomes and actions that benefit both parties and effectively add value to Tauranga Moana are developed and implemented.
  • Partnerships and projects are advanced through resource and capacity building so that Māori can participate fully as Treaty partners in the growth and reinvigoration of Tauranga Moana.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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