Tauranga City Council recognises that Tauranga is an integral part of the wider Bay of Plenty region and upper North Island and has a key role in making a significant contribution to the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of the region and nation.
Tauranga is the fifth largest city in New Zealand and located strategically close to two of New Zealand’s other largest cities, Auckland and Hamilton, forming what is known as the‘golden triangle’.
Our city’s success is integrally connected to the success of the wider Bay of Plenty region, upper North Island and New Zealand. To respond effectively to our communities’ needs and to deliver on our community outcome areas, we need to work effectively with our partners, regionally and nationally. We need to consider how the services we deliver connect with the wider region, and how our mana whenua work with neighbouring iwi and hapū. This requires building strong partnerships with others, considering and addressing the impact of regional, national and global factors on Tauranga, and advocating for our city’s needs. We also need to consider how we contribute to the success of our neighbours and wider New Zealand, by ensuring the decisions we make (or do not make) result in sustainable outcomes both within and beyond our borders.
The way we work beyond our boundaries
- We work in partnership with other governing entities, at a local, regional and national level, both informally and via formal mechanisms such as SmartGrowth and Local Government New Zealand, to ensure we plan and deliver initiatives collaboratively.
- We listen to and connect with our communities, working with them to achieve the best possible outcomes for Tauranga and the region.
- We work in partnership with our mana whenua, recognising that city boundaries differ from those of our iwi and hapū
- We actively advocate for Tauranga’s needs, providing feedback on proposed legislation, policies and plans.
- We consider the impacts of what we decide to do and not to do, in terms of how it affects Tauranga, our regional neighbours, the upper North Island and wider New Zealand.
- We actively consider how our wider environment, regionally, nationally and globally, impacts on Tauranga, factoring external forces into our decision making.
What success looks like
- Tauranga plays its role as a regional hub for the Bay of Plenty, attracting people and businesses to its growing educational institutions, dynamic and thriving city centre, commercial and industrial offerings, import and export opportunities offered by the Port of Tauranga, and world class national and international events.
- Services, land use, facilities and infrastructure are planned and delivered within the context of sub-regional, regional and national networks and connections.
- The city’s location and resources, including its port, harbour, the wider sub-region’s horticultural economy and its climate and attractions, are protected, enhanced, and leveraged for the long-term success and health of our communities.
- Emerging trends, potential legislative shifts, and other local, regional, national, and global forces are identified early and managed proactively. This ensures Tauranga is well placed to respond to external challenges and rapid changes and benefits from a holistic, long term approach to delivering benefits for the city and sub-region.