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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Council meetings, agendas and minutes

Everyone is welcome to attend Council and committee meetings. Here’s where you can find the dates and agendas for upcoming meetings, and the archive shows agendas, recordings and minutes for past meetings.

Council meeting locations have changed

The locations of our council meetings have changed to make way for the new civic precinct. The new locations are listed below on our meeting calendar.

Nearly all our Council and Strategy, Finance and Risk meetings (generally held on Mondays) are now taking place at the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chambers at Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga.

Most other regular Committee meetings are taking place at the ground floor meeting room at our offices at 306 Cameron Road. Some Committee and Advisory group meetings will be held off-site at other venues, such as on marae. These will be advertised ahead of the meetings. Confirmed locations will also be listed in the calendar below and included in Council agendas prior to meetings taking place.

This is a temporary arrangement while the civic precinct in the city centre is redeveloped.

You can speak to Council during the public forum section of a Council or Committee meeting - please contact our Governance team on 07 577 7000 to arrange this.

Meeting agendas will be available two working days before the meeting date. Workshops don't always have agendas, but the topics being discussed will be listed.

Meetings are video-recorded. You can watch Council and Committee meetings live on our website when in session, or you can view them on demand on the Tauranga City Council YouTube channel.

Watch Council live stream View past recordings

Meeting minutes and video links will be uploaded to this website after the meeting date.

Some workshops or meetings may be held in confidential, meaning the public and the media cannot attend. In this case this is specified in the title of the meeting, and the reason for confidentiality is stated in the meeting information. Members of the public who have concerns about  how council is conducting their workshops can make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman.

Meeting agendas and minutes

Meeting calendar

«October 2024»
  • Accountability, Performance & Finance Cttee - 9.30am (TCC, Grd Floor Mtg Rooms 1 & 1b, 306 Cameron Rd, Tga)
  • Tangata Whenua/TCC Cttee - 9.30am (Hangarau Marae, 217 Bethlehem Rd, Tauranga)
  • Council Workshop - 1.30pm (Capital & Operational Budgets 2024/25 Forecast and 2025/26 (Annual Plan) (Public Excluded)
  • Extraordinary Council - 8.30am (TO BE CONTINUED AT 1.30PM) (BoP Regional Council Chambers, 1 Elizabeth St, Tga)
  • Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Cttee (BoP Regional Council Chambers, 1 Elizabeth St, Tga)
  • Community, Transparency & Engagement Cttee - 9.30am (TCC, Grd Floor Mtg Rooms 1 & 1b, 306 Cameron Rd, Tga)
  • Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee - 8am (Continued from 14 October 2024 meeting) (Groundfloor meeting rooms, 306 Cameron Road, Tga)
  • Tauranga Public Transport Joint Cttee Workshop - 1pm (Grd Floor Mtg Room 4 (access off 3rd Avenue, Tga) (Tga Public Transport Joint Cttee Structure & Function) (Open)
  • Project Planning & Monitoring Cttee - 9.30am (BoP Regional Council Chambers, 1 Elizabeth St, Tga)
  • Projects, Planning & Monitoring Cttee Workshop - 1.30pm (BoP Regional Cnl Chambers, 1 Elizabeth St, Tga) (Project Delivery Processes & Procurement) (Open)
  • Council Workshop - 9am (Local Water Done Well - update on business case) (Public Excluded)
  • Council - 9.30am (BoP Regional Council Chambers, 1 Elizabeth St, Tga)
  • Wastewater Management Review Committee - 1pm (TCC, Ground Floor Mtg Room 1, 306 Cameron Rd, Tauranga)
  • Accountability, Performance & Finance Cttee - 9.30am (TCC, Grd Floor Mtg Rooms 1 & 1b, 306 Cameron Rd, Tga)

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