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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

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Taupanga whakamōhiohio


Antenno website banner

Antenno is a mobile app that allows you to easily report any issues to councils that are signed up to it, give feedback and share ideas.

The app can also issue alerts and notifications straight to your mobile device, although Tauranga City Council is currently not using the app for this purpose.

Reporting an issue to Council

With the Antenno app you don’t need to know specifically which council is responsible for a particular place, or type of issue. It’s clever enough to know where to send your report so it gets to the right people.

Notifications from Council

Some councils use Antenno to send messages out to people about topics and places of interest to them.

For now, Tauranga City Council is only using Antenno as a way for people to report issues and share ideas with us.

What other Councils are using it?

In the Bay of Plenty, depending on where the places of interest are that you have set up, you can receive notifications from:

  • Western Bay of Plenty District Council
  • Ōpōtiki District Council
  • Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Download Antenno today

The app won't ask you for any personal information or login details, making it an easy download. It's free to download on your phone from:

Google playApple app store

Adding places to Antenno

Help and support

For help and support for the mobile app, please contact the Antenno team at antenno.support@datacom.co.nz.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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