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Resource Wise Programme

The Resource Wise Programme is a free programme designed to help your organisation, whether you're a business or school, to reduce waste to landfill.

We are here to work with you to improve how your organisation manages resources.

The programme consists of five stages for organisations to work through. Each stage has actions that involve education and reducing waste to landfill.

Join the Resource Wise Programme 


Participants benefit from:

  • Waste audits – to identify what waste is produced at the organisation
  • Waste audit reports and action plans – to summarise the findings of the waste audit and identify where and how waste can be reduced
  • Education – access to waste minimisation education via presentations, workshops or classroom education (schools only)
  • One-on-one support – to provide guidance on ways to reduce waste and achieve higher stages
  • Practical resources – to reduce waste and help educate e.g. signs, posters and advice
  • Recognition – to award organisations for their efforts e.g. certificates and branded Resource Wise logos to promote their waste reduction performance

What’s involved?

Join the Programme
Sign Terms & Conditions document, complete pre-survey, nominate two contact people.

Conduct a waste audit
Provide requested information to enable a waste audit to be conducted at your organisation.

Plan for success
Share waste audit results with your organisation and complete post-survey.

Introduce new systems
Introduce or improve systems to divert a key waste stream.

Plan for success
Share waste audit results with your organisation and complete post-survey.

Promote zero waste initiatives, attend workshops or presentations, etc.

Divert waste
Achieve 50% diversion from landfill through recycling, composting and overall waste reduction.

Plan for success
Share waste audit results with your organisation and complete post-survey.

Promote zero waste initiatives, attend workshops or presentations, etc.

Divert waste
Achieve 70% diversion from landfill through recycling, composting and overall waste reduction.

Reduce waste
Introduce or improve systems to reduce a key waste stream.

Plan for success
Share waste audit results with your organisation and complete post-survey.

Promote zero waste initiatives, attend workshops or presentations, etc.

Divert waste
Achieve 85% diversion from landfill through recycling, composting and overall waste reduction.

Reduce waste
Maintain systems that reduce a key waste stream.

Extra project
Project to be tailored to your organisation and discussed with participant.

Resource Wise Programme Case Studies

Resource Wise Business Overview

Holistic Vets

Classroom education and practical support

Blomquist Bakery

Cosy Corner Holiday Park

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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