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He taone i āta maheretia

A well planned city

A well planned city

Tauranga is a city that is well planned with a variety of successful and thriving compact centres, resilient infrastructure, and community amenities.

Tātai is a term often associated with the mapping of stars in the night sky, also in the mapping of genealogy or whakapapa. These terms identify Tauranga as a city that is developed in a preordained or predestined order/arrangement, as it is with the stars and whakapapa. Whilst nothing we create holds the permanence of Papatuanuku (Earth Mother) we can develop sustainably upon the earth, to achieve the goals of the people.

Success looks like

  • We have enough housing with a variety of types, tenures, and prices points, together with development ready land, to meet the needs of our communities, now and in the future.
  • Our city centre is vibrant and welcoming, and we have neighbourhoods that are liveable, unique, and connected, with urban form and design that facilitates safe, healthy, and active lifestyles.
  • We have easy access to a variety of open spaces, suitable for a range of uses and quality, fit-for-purpose community facilities.
  • We have quality public spaces that provide opportunities for us to relax and connect.
  • We use land efficiently around centres, providing easy access to services, employment, and leisure opportunities in a city we can move around easily.
  • Our unique Māori and Pakeha history is embodied in the design of our city, with Tangata Whenua partnerships an integral part of this process.
  • Our neighbourhoods and infrastructure are well designed and built to last, protecting people from the impacts of climate change and natural hazards.

Council will contribute by

  • Planning to ensure there is sufficient zoned and serviced land for housing, business, and social infrastructure.
  • Enabling intensification of our existing urban and new growth areas, including Te Papa, Te Tumu, and Tauriko.
  • Investing with strategic partners in infrastructure that enables higher-density residential and high value commercial development.
  • Driving delivery of the City Centre Masterplan – Te Manawataki o Te Papa (the heartbeat of Te Papa), the broader City Centre Action and Investment plan, and the Te Papa Peninsula Spatial Plan to revitalise the Te Papa Peninsula (from Greerton to the city centre) and reactivate the heart of the city.
  • Providing a well-planned network of active and passive reserves, public spaces, libraries, community centres, indoor courts and aquatics centres that provide quality experiences and meet growing demands.
  • Promoting good quality urban design that meets the access, mobility, recreational and living requirements of the communities they serve.

Council’s key moves now to 2031

  • Developing City Centre community spaces and a central library, and re-development of the Memorial Park aquatics facility, $118.2m.
  • Undertaking spatial planning for the Otumoetai / Brookfield peninsula and the Mount / Arataki Coastal Strip.
  • Investigating land-use options at the Mount Maunganui industrial area that balance the needs and aspirations of the commercial sector and residential communities, including the Whareroa Marae community.
  • Advancing development of Poteriwhi (Parau Farms), in partnership with and Ngati Kahu, by securing access to this land parcel and by undertaking community consultation on the use of part of this land for housing.
  • Completing Stage 1 of the Waiāri Water Treatment Plant to boost the supply of drinking water for Tauranga City,$168m.
  • Preliminary work and design on the Papamoa East Interchange which will connect the eastern parts of the city to the Tauranga Eastern Link (TEL) Highway to be brought forward, $12m.
  • Revitalising the city centre including the delivery of a library, museum, event and exhibition space, and a civic whare, $303m.
  • Creating more liveable places and laying the groundwork for future homes and businesses (Te Papa, Te Tumu, Tauriko), $2.6b..
  • Community facilities and open spaces investment, including aquatics, sports halls, sports fields and libraries, $689m.
  • Upgrading the Te Maunga Wastewater Treatment Plant to increase treatment capacity, $197m.
  • Strengthening our ability to cope with natural hazards like tsunamis, floods, landslides, erosion and sea level rise, $296m.
  • Ongoing investment to support growth and intensification in Te Papa, the Otumoetai / Brookfield peninsula, and the Mount / Arataki Coastal Strip.
  • Building the network of reserves and community facilities in Tauriko and Te Tumu.
  • Ongoing investment to improve our city’s resilience to natural hazards.

How our approaches support an inclusive city

Success measures include the following

  • Improving Vital Signs survey perceptions on a range of issues including:
    • affordable housing
    • vibrancy of the city centre
    •  better public transport.
  • Median house price is no higher than the national average.
  • Increase in intensification and urban densities, including an additional 2,000 homes in Te Papa and surrounding urban areas by 2031.

Primary strategy

Our Connected Centres Programme 2020 (urban development focus) developed through UFTI, spells out what needs to happen to ensure Tauranga becomes a well-planned city that meets the needs of all our current and future communities. The strategy is underpinned by several ‘action and investment plans’ that clearly describe how Council will deliver in this space.

Supported by Our Public Places Strategic Plan.

There are also two holistic strategies which contribute across all our community outcomes.  These are the joint sub-regional SmartGrowth Strategy and the iwi-owned Tauranga Moana Iwi Management Plan.

The history, culture, and values of tangata whenua are part of what makes Tauranga Moana a special part of New Zealand. As such we work in partnership to support tangata whenua aspirations and recognise cultural values in projects.

More information on Te Ao Māori approach

When we plan, we now seek to ensure our new areas provide transport choice and are well serviced by public transport, and that we protect our significant natural features and landscapes; we manage our water resources now and for the future, we create opportunities for different types of housing in the right locations, and we plan to ensure we are resilient to natural hazards.

More information on Sustainability approach

To play its part in contributing to the prosperity of the golden triangle (Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga), we need to forge even stronger links with our regional partners and align strategic planning to unlock investment in infrastructure to ensure greater and more efficient movement of people, goods and services. .

More information on Working beyond Tauranga approach

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