Tauranga is a city that attracts and supports a range of business and educational opportunities, creating jobs and a skilled workforce.
This term is from an ancient karakia, it reflects the word kura as an inherent treasure, often associated with the learning and sharing of knowledge to be cared for, for generations to come. The term tauranga here identifies a space where we can empower learning and personal development.
Success looks like
- Our city centre is strong and vibrant, acting as commercial, educational and activities hub for the region.
- We are known as a university city, with strong links between tertiary education, research and development, new business, and employment opportunities.
- We plan for the land use needs of our commercial and industrial sectors.
- We have a high wage economy with quality locally-based jobs and easily accessible employment centres.
- We have a sustainable visitor economy, which celebrates our history and culture and attracts visitors year-round.
- Our infrastructure provides sustainable connections to national and international markets for our key sectors.
- Business, employment and educational opportunities are accessible for everyone, with Māori education and employment outcomes equal to that of non-Māori.
Council will contribute by
- Working collaboratively with our strategic partners to invest in the infrastructure that will enable high value commercial and high-density residential development.
- Planning to ensure there is sufficient zoned and serviced land for business and education.
- Working with the Bay of Plenty Tertiary Partnership to grow Tauranga’s reputation as a distinctive tertiary study destination of choice that leads into quality employment opportunities.
- Providing services that deliver life-long learning opportunities for everyone in the community.
- Investing via Priority One in support of economic development partnerships, including growing a strong Māori economy, targeted investment and talent attraction, local skills development and regional innovation capability – including growing commercial, marine and horticultural sectors so they can add value to our local communities.
- Investing via Tourism Bay of Plenty in the development of a vibrant, resilient tourism industry.
Council’s key moves now to 2031
- Co-investing and incentivising affordable residential and student accommodation in the city centre, $500k.
- In partnership with Priority One and the private sector, leveraging the city centre blueprint to encourage commercial investment and prioritise public realm spending within the city centre.
- Developing a new wharf to provide additional berthage and access for the commercial marine sector, $5m (as part of a total $25m within 10 years).
- Supporting Tourism Bay of Plenty to deliver its Te Ha Tapoi destination management strategy.
- Revitalising the city centre including the delivery of a library, museum, event and exhibition space, and a civic whare, $303m.
- Creating more liveable places and laying the groundwork for future homes and businesses in Te Papa, Te Tumu and Tauriko, $2.6b.
- Continued support for Priority One and its delivery partners through Council’s partnership agreement, and for Tourism Bay of Plenty, and development of business cases for strategic visitor economy facilities, $31m in 2022 (plus$3m increase each subsequent year).
- SH2 travel time reliability improvement at Elizabeth St (construction) to support strategic freight journey from Port of Tauranga.
How our approaches support an inclusive city