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Kia mārama ki ngā mōrearea (rangahau, mahere me raraunga)

Natural hazards

Natural Hazards Banner

There are a number of natural hazards that can affect our city. People, buildings and our environment have previously been impacted by landslides, flooding, earthquakes and ash fall.

Natural hazards are atmospheric, earth or water-related events that can negatively impact human life, property and the environment. 

The more we know, the safer we are. To better manage natural hazards and build resilient communities and infrastructure, we have to understand what we’re up against. We have been researching, mapping, planning for and informing our community about natural hazards for over 20 years now. 

View Natural Hazard maps

Natural hazards information

Tauranga is prone to natural hazards because:

  • it is located on the coast with many areas potentially exposed to erosion and flooding
  • there are many steep slopes made up of rocks and soil that may be prone to slips and landslides
  • there are active faultlines nearby to the west and southeast
  • several active and dormant volcanic centres are nearby (Okataina, Whakaari/White Island, Tuhua/Mayor Island)
  • it is on one potential path of tropical cyclones tracking south from the Pacific islands

The natural hazard landscape in Tauranga will change as projected future climate is expected to result in a warmer city with more intense storms. 


Tauranga City Council is building the city’s resilience to natural hazards by:

  • mapping the areas that are susceptible to the different natural hazards
  • commissioning studies to better understand at risk areas and how we might protect them
  • identifying infrastructure that is exposed to hazards and investing in making this more resilient 
  • planning investment, zoning, and development within the city to avoid exposing future development to natural hazards
  • running the geo-professional accreditation process to ensure best practice around natural hazards
  • working with Civil Defence to plan how to respond to and recover from emergencies
  • collaborating with Bay of Plenty Regional Council, other district councils and the community on response and preparation strategies

We are required to manage and reduce our risk from natural hazards by legislation, including the regional policy statement, the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEM Act) and Local Government Act 2002 (LGA).


What can you do? 

The best way you can reduce the risk from natural hazards to you and your community is to be informed and prepared: 

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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