The structure of our framework
Primary strategies
For each of the community outcomes Council has one primary strategy that identifies:
• what success looks like
• what Council needs to do
• what actions and investments need to be made.
There are also two holistic strategies which contribute across all our community outcomes. These are the joint sub-regional SmartGrowth Strategy and the iwi-owned Tauranga Moana Iwi Management Plan.
Action and Investment Plans
For each of the primary strategies the specific tactics, projects or deliverables that are needed are outlined in Action and Investment Plans. Action and Investment Plans are largely focused on Council deliverables although some may also include actions that are a shared responsibility.
Not everything in an Action and Investment Plan can necessarily be funded/delivered immediately.
Action and Investment Plans are taken into consideration when Council is determining its funding in the Long-term Plan and Annual Plans.
Contributing documents
Contributing documents are other Council documents that contribute to the strategies or action plans. Not formally part of Council's Our Direction, but contribute to any number of plans, maybe joint or Council-specific, and any level or type of document, e.g. Tauranga City Council design guidelines, Tauranga City Council Reserves Management Plan etc.